My Paint Brush

By: Jerusha Jude

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Look at my paint brush

so up as it touches the colours with its tip

it dancing around the paper

so gracefully as the colours fill the canvas so playfully Alas!

My canvas filled with water by my naughty pup!!

Harry Potter Read the story Harry Potter

It gives you gitter Story is about a wizard

This will make you blizzard Harry’s best friend Ron

He thinks he is a Don His favorite game is chess

Ron always makes a mess

One cannot forget Hermoine Because she is brainy

Harry Potter movies give chills The twist and turns in the book has more thrills

The Ballerina See the dance of a Ballerina In the beautiful Arena

When the audience sees her in the air They may get a scare

When she fly’s you can see her toes

Covered with crafted shoes See her, as she leaps in the air

By: Jerusha Jude

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