Mantra For A Peaceful Life

By: Anushika Gupta

Mantra Peace
Mantra Peace
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Mantra For A Peaceful Life

Do you remember the moments when was the last time you spent with yourself? Some people would say ‘no’ and those with ‘yes’ answer then they must have spent their time in scrolling the mobile screen or in some gadgets. But this is not the way we should deal with our free time. If you need a break from your work then relax your body and calm your mind instead of getting involved in the activities which do not give you ‘peace’ but ‘pain’.

And it is one of the biggest problem which we are facing in today’s life that we are free but we are not and the reason is we give our free time to our phones and smart devices. But there was a time we were not like the way we today, when the definition of free means free, not doing any thing, just give your free time to yourself and that was the golden era of the world ” our olden days “. When life used to be simple and stress free, not related to the time only but in many ways.

*Happiness became a rare thing now –

Happiness can’t be bought. But we have proved this line wrong because according to us, Happiness is the form of money not emotions or sentiments. Happiness refers that we should have everything that others have even more than them. Yes, it is the definition of Happiness,  of satisfaction for us. However, we have been forgetting the meaning of joy with time.

There was a time when we used to treasure out our big smiles in little things but now a big smile has become a little thing. When we used to find out a lot even in little but now we want a little more even in a lot. Nowadays, people become happy when they receive luxury gifts or items but the most expensive and precious gift you can give to someone is a ‘Token of Happiness’, when you make someone smiles and the reason is you (that feeling is some different) and you’ll never be able to find this gift in any shop of the world because it is found in your heart.

*Usage of everything should be in a limit –

Will you able to survive in today’s world without using mobile phones, laptops, computers and your other gadgets – ofcourse not, because technology plays a very vital role in our daily life. It helps you in completing your school project or in making presentation for your office work. We are developing day by day with the help of technology as it makes our life easier than before, especially in Covid-19 during the time of lockdown where we were in our homes, students had attended their school through online classes and many people did work from home otherwise they would not have been able to feed their families.

Technology helps us a lot in the growth and development of our economy. We are totally dependent on it. But total dependency on anything and extra usage of it can be harmful for us. Just ask your parents what kind of technology they had in their days – as there were no such kinds of technical gadgets or things at that time because they use their mind and body to complete their daily tasks and this is one of the reasons why their minds are so sharp.

They used to – use their brains for calculations instead of calculators(For Intelligent mind), learn the things on finger tips not on note pad(For Good memory), go for their work by walk or by cycle(For a healthy life), do their work by themselves(For being  self-dependent). And today’s generation is all around the technology and technology has become a part of their life, some of them misuse it by involving in unethical and illegal activities which is making a dig in their future.

They are the future of the country, they need to know what is good or bad for them. Yes, We can’t imagine a day without using our phones or laptops and it’s not even possible because our works need them. But we can maintain some distance from it by not totally removing it so our life will not be affected. Proper usage of technology can make your life easy and better likewise over usage of it can ruin it also.

*Change in people’s mentality 

If a person has a big house, is having a huge collection of cars, don’t have time to even talk to the people, don’t eat at home, go to the five star restaurant, have name and fame is called a ” rich lifestyle ” or “having a standard”. On the other hand, if somebody has a small house, go to the office by two-wheeler, do his 9-5 job, has enough money to feed his family, doesn’t  enjoy in parties or in clubs, has time for his loved ones, then this is known as a ” boring lifestyle “.

Yes, this is becoming the mentality of the people. You won’t believe that there is a man named ‘Samuli’ who lives alone in the Wild Siberian Forest for past 20 years where temperature drops -70 celsius in winters. He has no facility of proper food, he has no technology at all, he has no electricity, he has built his house by himself. He fils his stomach by ice fishing. He doesn’t have television or mobile phone, he reads newspapers, books to entertain himself in free time.

And here we are not happy enough whereas we have everything to live – proper food, clothes, education, each and every facility to spend a good life. And Samuli, he is living in such a harsh environment without any civilization with a smile on his face. We should learn from him that we should not judge anybody from his living of standard or status but from his good heart.

*Disrespecting has become a new trend –

Respecting others is our culture especially our elders as we believe that if you have the blessings of your elders then you can achieve everything you want in your life. Success and  opportunities always knock your door but some people find them successful while disrespecting others. On social media, they make videos of  behaving badly to others for the sake of some views and likes and the thing is they think they are looking very cool while disrespecting others. 

Yes, they treat their parents poorly, being pessimistic towards them and calls them ‘toxic’. Seriously, for what reason, because your parents always care for you, your father works hard to submit your school or college fee for your bright future and your mother does all the household chores, prepare your tiffen, get you ready, make sure if you need anything while studying. There is a problem of today’s children that they believe that their parents don’t understand them, always scold them for no reason but they truth is they love you more than the anything in the world, they just don’t pretend. So, always nice to them.

*Save the Nature, Love the Nature –

Nature is like our mother that always gives us but never wants anything in return but it’s our responsibility to preserve it and take care of it as a child. We humans are destroying it for our benefit- cutting down the trees, wasting water unnecessarily, wasting food, not saving electricity, throwing garbage and plastics in the river. We should strictly stop doing these things to save mother earth. Instead we should grow more trees and plants and use biodegradable products if possible.

Life is like a train, receives the green signal and keep moving towards the destination and stations are our experiences (may be good or bad, small or big), learn from those experiences And you finally get your goal , your destination.

By: Anushika Gupta


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