Know How to Fix and Pair Errors in OpenLoad Stream

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OpenLoad Streaming is one of the many video streaming and sharing servers that has been taken down quite recently. However, people did usually face problems and errors inOpenLoad Streaming, even if they are in different types of errors, such as popup error or pair error. If you are one of the people who would love to fix these problems and get unlimited access to streaming, then you have to read this comprehensive guide for fixing some of the common errors – including OpenLoad pair and – in OpenLoad Streaming.

First Method

Activate VPN:

Everyone in today’s world is highly familiar with what a VPN is. Whatever its definition is, it provides the users with a secure IP address and therefore, it can surely help in this. There are many VPN that can be taken, however, Nord VPN or Communicate VPN is recommended. Take a reliable VPN and activate it, as it will hide whatever activities you will carry out on Kodi.

New Web Browser:

Once you activate your downloaded VPN, after checking the notification of the VPN, all you have to do is open up new web browser – it is recommended to open Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Safari; if you are using these already, well and good. It is because these browsers make sure to support all shortcuts and commands that you will be giving or providing.

Address and robot box:

Once you open the browser, type in the address in your URL search bar. The address is After the page loads, your public IP address will be displayed on the page, which is what happens when the device gathers all streaming content on the site. The page will demand the reconfirmation that you are a human, not a robot. Check the captcha carefully and then click on the ‘I’m not a robot’ tab.

Click on the pair icon:

Whatever you do, make sure that you search the captcha. After that, a blue tick mark will appear with the same message as before. It is your obligation to click on the pair button.

Close the browser:

hese steps will ensure that you have linked your IP address with the web servers – and also There will be a positive marking, once the steps are successful. You can, after that, enjoy successful streaming, and that too uninterrupted for at least four hours. Keep in mind to disable the IP address between this time.

Second Method

This method is a permanent solution to your problem, and therefore more recommended for hassle free streaming.

Open the add-ons:

Here you will be starting on Add-ons; since we have to avoid the blocking of the app, the add-ons will help to disable the captcha. Once you open the app, there will be a selection of add-ons – select Exodus as it is one of the most popular add-ons to view any kind of content.

Tools’ selection:

Once you activate this Exodus add on, you will have to check the ‘resources’ option on its dashboard. You can’t find these actions on any other add-on, as this option is only available on Exodus. Once you open ‘resources’, check the ‘tools’ option and open it.

Unlock settings:

The tool option will have a multiple type of settings, ranging from General settings and accounts settings to playback and even subtitle settings. Locate the Settings: Providers option – we will have to unlock that one before. Open the providers settings.

Disable Hosters captcha:

Once you open the provider settings, locate the option of ‘Hosters with Captchas’ – deactivate it. Click OK to save the changes and close the settings. Once this is done, restart the Exodus. The streaming is then expected to be smooth and without any errors.

Since this method is a permanent one, there is no doubt that you will get unlimited amount of time to stream and watch your desired content, without having to renew it every time, as was the case in the first method. However, the first method is much easier than the latter and therefore, it is up to the user to decide which one does they find most reliable and efficient for streaming.

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