By: Azkiya Afwa Setya Dewi

bullying cyberbullying
bullying cyberbullying
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Worrying! Indonesia is in a “bullying emergency” condition. There are so many cases of bullying that are on the rise, and this bullying case is one of the most worrying cases. Bullying is currently found especially in schools. And it is very sad, most of the victims are women. This bullying does not only occur in Indonesia, but almost all countries experience bullying cases.

Bullying refers more to acts of oppression against someone or in the form of emotional, physical, and even sexual with the aim of bringing down the victim. There are so many factors that cause and influence bullying. This case is most likely due to an imbalance in social factors between the perpetrator and the victim, the influence of the bully’s circle of friends, lack of education and insight, and maybe the bully who was once a victim of bullying so he wants to take revenge.

In fact, these bullying cases do not only occur in real life. However, in cyberspace or social media (medsos) it is getting worse and sadly people just join in bullying and consider this trivial. This is commonly found on artist platforms, celebrities, tiktokers, and even ordinary people or friends. Bullying on social media more often refers to cases of sexual harassment.

Such as misusing someone’s photo to be used for indecent things, commenting on someone’s clothes that are too revealing and so on. In addition to cases of sexual harassment, there is also verbal bullying. Such as making negative comments, spreading rumors, making fun of, and even slandering the victim.

For the perpetrators of bullying, this is considered trivial and just a joke. However, cyberbullying is one of the crimes that always has laws in every country. However, why do these cases still always increase every year? Because, most of the authorities in the regulations or laws of the country do not care or rather ignore them and even turn a blind eye and do not listen if someone reports this case to them. I hope that in the future those who get this responsibility will be more aware of the responsibilities they have.

Meanwhile, bullying also has a negative effect on the victim. Bullying does not only have an impact in the form of physical injuries or violence. However, the victim’s mental and psychological injuries can also be disturbed. Such as depression, stress, pressure, anxiety, and some even commit suicide! Let us, as the young generation of the nation’s successors, stop normalizing bullying that has become very rampant in our country.

This can be attempted in various ways, including:

1. Educating by providing socialization that bullying is a crime that has a negative impact.

2. Affirming regulations and laws in the country regarding bullying cases.

3. Further emphasizing the authorities and those who have responsibility in state regulations to emphasize and bring this case to court.

4. Be sensitive and pay attention to the surroundings, so that we respond quickly if bullying occurs.

5. If bullying occurs, immediately report it to the authorities.

6. Building positive relationships with each other.

7. Inviting those closest to us not to do cyberbullying.

It is our duty to make efforts to prevent bullying, and these efforts must be done not only for a moment, but also in a sustainable manner. This is expected that bullying cases will really disappear or at least bullying cases will decrease. By reducing bullying, we can create a greater generation of successors and bring the country to be more advanced, without any crime and without any physical or psychological disorders. For all my friends, it is time for us as young people to eradicate negative things like bullying in our country. If not us, who else will?

By: Azkiya Afwa Setya Dewi

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