Impact of Social Media on Society

By: Khalisa najm khumairoh

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The following paper, The Impact of Social Media on Society, sets out to discuss how social media is affecting the society in the following aspects.

’Therefore, although social media has many advantages of being able to connect with people from different parts of the globe or to be updated with current events, it has a very close impact on the society.

Body The use of Social media has even proven to have one of the most profound effects of the bringing together of individuals across the world.

There has never been a time that it was easier to get in touch with friends and families despite the geographical location.

Sometimes social networking can cause severe mental problems that can lead to depression, anxiety, and even loneliness.

This is so mostly because the lives that people live and present on social media platform are always standardized and filtered.

Excessive use of social media has been proven to have negative impact on the productivity at work and in learning institutions as well as in interpersonal relationships.

Another effect of social media is in politics and democracies where social media has played an important role.

The way that the algorithms work in the social media can produce the phenomenon of filter bubbles and people can be only exposed to the information that can strengthen their prejudice.

Basically, one should never forget to mention about the positive and negative effects of social media in order to get a better overall picture about it.

As we proceed with the challenges coming with the dawn of the digital age, it becomes necessary to draw techniques on how to apply technology, particularly social media in the right manner.

Possible essay prompts that you can use to further develop this essay: Analyse how social media influence the formation of public opinion.

Discuss about the effects of social media to privacy and security.

In detail analyse if social media possess benefits or drawbacks in relation to the level of mental health of individuals.

By: Khalisa najm khumairoh

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