By: Nilanjana Mallik

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The special significance of the country India is its unity in diversity. The perfect amalgamation of different cultures, religions, and traditions makes ‘incredible India’. Diwali is the festival of lights and is widely celebrated all over India with great enthusiasm. Diwali symbolises hope, prosperity, and triumph of light over darkness. People from vastly different demographics in India enjoy this great festival but the environment takes a toll.

Firecrackers, smoke-bombs, sparklers and aerial fireworks go hand in hand with diwali and these entertainment appliances disturb environmental balance by causing pollution especially noise and air pollution. The governments of different states and the concerned authorities have banned certain types of harmful firecrackers and habe issued certain rules and regulations but still not efficient to control the devastation impact on nature.

The steep deteriorationof air quality during diwali with high levels of Carbon monooxide (CO) and fine particulate matter of size less than 2.5 micrometer also known as PM2.5 and various noxious gas badly affect human, animals and birds. Firecrackers are made from harmful chemical compounds like Sulphur(S), Cadmium(Cd), Mercury(Hg), and Lead(Pb), which release toxic fume on burning and this fume shrouds India under a toxic grey smog and the drop off of summer wind assists the air pollutants to linger in the air causing an alarming high episode of air pollution. The pollutants increase the levels of RSPM (Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter) which ultimately leads to severe breathing problems such as Asthma, Bronchitis along with eye and nose irritation moreover long exposure to such poisonous pollutants jeopardize the lungs.

It is fatals for other animals. It even affects indoor air quality. Many intellectuals argue about the imposition of Government rules and prohibition upon firecrackers stating the other stable sources create devastating effect on air quality such as burning of coal, fossil fuels, smoke released from factories, and released CFC (Chloro fluro carbon) from cooling devices and the 3 days festival of a certain faith is being targeted and the blame game on this pious festival and perennial traditions is baseless.

The traditions pass through the generations, evolving to reflect the modern area but the modern infusion of pollution, plastic ripple the tension among the environmentalists. Air pollution is a matter of concern since industrialisation but firecrackers and other fireworks can release a cocktail of harmful compounds and metal ions which accelerate the process of air pollution within a few days, moreover urbanisation and relentlessly cutting down of trees worsen the situation as the nature cannot get healed.

People can switch to green crackers which supposedly cause less damage to environment and controlled use of these products can give relief to the nature. Festivals have great impact on country’s economy, environment and the minds of the citizens. If any one of these start getting negatively affected then it can create an overall disbalance on the country and eventually on the world.

Diwali is the main source and time span of income for the small firecrackers industry, so total avoidance can badly affect them and the age old traditions also get insulted. So sustainable development is the only way to achieve our desired goal of equilibrium among the three E’s- entertainment, economy and environment.

By: Nilanjana Mallik

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