If I were a Scientist

By: Kaavyan Easwer

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Everything is theoretically impossible until its done. This is exactly what science is all about. We know that a scientist is someone who studies science. However, he is much more than that. He is someone who gives the right answers by asking us the right questions. He is someone who makes many mistakes which are useful to him because they lead little by little to the final output.

It is thanks to those very scientists that we are in the scientific age of the earth. It is thanks to them that we have light bulbs, refrigerators, washing machines and what not. 

Scientists are still on the verge of discovering more because they believe that the science of today is the technology of tomorrow. A fine example of this is the discovery of electricity. Benjamin Franklin first discovered the presence of electricity in his famous kite experiment. He flew a kite with a metal key tied to it during a thunderstorm. When lightning hit the kite, electricity from the lightning got transmitted through the metal key and it reached Benjamin Franklin who was controlling the kite by giving him an electric shock. This simple experiment paved the way for the significance of electricity today. Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity and other scientists immediately tried to make use of it for certain purposes. The above example is one of the many inventions that are made from something already present.

Scientists have discovered and invented quite a lot of things. Yet there are still a lot of inventions that are in demand but not yet discovered. For example, one of the biggest scientific mysteries of all time is how was the universe created. I have always been intrigued by this question and I’m sure I am not the only one. While most scientists believe in the Big Bang theory is the reason behind the creation of universe others think that there is another reason behind it. The Big Bang theory is a physical theory that describes how the universe expanded from a tiny atom through a vast explosion. This explosion happened due to the density of its energy from a tiny point. The big bang theory is by far the soundest explanation to the reason behind the existence of the universe. I believe that there is another reason behind it, but I may be wrong. Where was the universe before it exploded? Are there any other universes? How did the universe form as a tiny atom? These are some questions our brain will ask if we believe the Big Bang theory is true. 

This is one of the things I would really be interested to research in if I were a scientist. I would first like to know how did the scientists propose this theory was true. Here it was not proposed by a scientist but by a cosmologist and a catholic priest called Georges Lemaitre. He discovered the creation of universe by providing a solution to Einstein’s relativity field equations. After finding that, I would research on his calculations and check if there is any mistake in Lemaitre’s solution. If I find all of Lemaitre’s solutions correct, then I would conclude that the Big Bang theory is true. If not, I propose my new result to other fellow scientists and ask their opinion if this could be possible.  

I’m sure that the new result would benefit humanity because if there is a new theory behind the creation of universe all of us would be interested and eager to research on many things which have already been discovered and find out if there is a new result. After all, “mistakes are the portals of discovery” as told by James Joyce. I’m quite sure that we can also answer questions which the big bang theory couldn’t answer. Such questions include, Is the universe infinite? Does it have any edge? Are there other universes? As a scientist I would do my best to solve these questions. The universe does seem to be infinite but we can only analyse a finite part of it. So far no one has been able to see any sign of the universe having edges. The big bang isn’t an explosion in space, it was the explosion of space. Surely, space did not exist at that time and it was a point of infinite energy. The universe is infinite indirectly tells that the universe is expanding. If it is expanding what is it expanding into? Well the universe is not expanding into something else but the space itself is expanding. It is not like the edges of the universe is always moving forward, but all of its sides are expanding apart. If we think the universe is limited then it must have an edge and an “outside” which has things we don’t really know. 

The life of a scientist is both exciting and thrilling. He is always engaged in serving the society. Science has given the world a lot of scientists like Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei, Thomas Edison and many more. Science completely changed the lives of the above people because it is the greatest adventure of our mind and nothing is more rewarding than exploring the unknown. If I am given the opportunity of being a scientist, I would solve all the scientific mysteries at any cost and the Big Bang theory which I told about earlier is just an example.  

By: Kaavyan Easwer

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