By: Avani Dasani

girl नज्जो
THE GIRL नज्जो
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I am a girl Who Is born with not so perfect body features,

But with so perfect heart and soul.

My day start with checking out myself in clean mirror,

While ends with being checked by not so clean eyes.

From compromising for my loved ones to sacrificing myself,

By each passing second, I survive.

Many times, hiding spike like pain; Behind rose like smile;

I live my life. Though I reside in a world full of restrictions,

My heart knows to follow in growing passion.

Sometimes, clock of my life ticks at brightest day;

While sometimes ticks at darkest night;

But never stop before completing round.

Though somehow between these ups and downs,

I managed to be myself… Because, I am a girl with a swirl.

By: Avani Dasani

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