How To Write Creative Writing Essay

By: Danding Arga Nirwana

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Writing is a language skill, used to communicate indirectly, that is not directly meeting other people. Writing activities require writers to accomplished utilize language structure and vocabulary. There are several types of writing, one of which is creative writing.

Creative writing is a form of language skil

Creative writing is a form of language skill. Creative writing can be through reading, listening, or viewing references. Creative writing skills can always be trained by writing every day. Creative writing is the same as attracting an audience, writing that makes the audience interested in reading it, the writer must be able to make the reader participate in the imagination of the writer’s writing.

Creativity for the reader

Creative writing can be interpreted as writing to increase creativity in producing a product in the form of writing. The resulting product is the result of creativity for the reader to enjoy. There are various creative writing products such as pop articles, literary works, speeches and reviews. Those who want to be creative writers do not have to have the talent to be a writer. Just by looking at the name, creative writing means having to be creative to be a creative writer. Creative writing is very beneficial for today’s youth, because in this creative writing writers can express and develop latent creative thoughts, and many other benefits, including:

Developing creativity

Increasing intelligence, Developing initiative and creativity, Growing courage, and Encouraging willingness and ability to collect information, the benefits of creative writing are developing creativity, namely by finding ideas and ideas, collecting materials and clarifying a problem. Another benefit of writing is developing knowledge and intelligence, namely by generating knowledge that was previously known. Besides that, creative writing also has a purpose

Must have goal

Every writer must have a goal for what he will write. Clear goals will help creative writers make good writing. The goal that creative writers want to achieve is that readers participate in thinking and reasoning and provide them with information about what various things are shown, make readers have opinions, make readers understand, and make readers able to live up to the values ​​put forward such as educational values, social values, values. moral, human and aesthetic values. The goal achieved through this creative writing activity is for people to recognize and perhaps critically reproduce various things contained in the creative texts of other people’s literary works in their own way. The tips for creative writing, namely;


The first thing to do is just do it, pour idem into writing. It could also be by bringing a notebook or small book where you are, because the idea comes from everywhere, whether you are on a trip, on vacation, seeing things around, or maybe when you are dreaming. There are also several other ways, including: 1. Take advantage of the five senses. These senses encourage readers to recall their experiences, build their imaginations, and recall past events. Today, writers tend to focus on seeing, feeling, and listening. on the other hand, it is only used to evoke memories when the reader reads the story, 2. Pay Attention to Language Use. The choice of language in this case can be called the ability to use millennial language. Millennial language is good for popular sentences and youth segmentation. Young people are always interested in something new and fun, 3. Create Dialogs. In creative writing, creating a work written using dialogue techniques helps the reader imagine a scene as if it were part of a story. In addition, dialogue helps the reader understand the characters by expressing emotions and featuring the mood. So use dialogue in writing or written stories, 4. The title must be catchy. Titles are very important in creative writing. The author must identify or choose an interesting title so that it can invite readers to be interested in your writing from the beginning of reading the title. And also don’t overdo it in making the title and content of the article, 5. Revision stage. In this section, the writer must read and understand the writing again. You can do several ways, such as adding, deleting, changing language style, writing, themes, and revising other things as needed.


This is the essay I wrote. The conclusion is that making creative writing takes a very long time because creative ideas do not come once but come step by step so that they form a product in the form of writing which can finally be developed with the tips above. And creative writing that has been developed would be better distributed so that it can be read by others. This is a way to get the point of view from each reader’s perspective. 

By: Danding Arga Nirwana

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