By: Nisha Yadav

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“Interpretation is a fresh and unique way of giving new life to what already exists.” Interpretive essays offer the explanation of a piece of writing after a proper analysis. It breakdowns the facts and elements of the work and creates a structured interpretation for the readers. It also studies the layouts and the devices used in it.

The task of writing an interpretive essay is given mostly to test and enhance the ability of understanding the topic. The author can also be asked to demonstrate the interpretation to an audience to get a much better understanding. For this, he and she can study each part, scene and character individually with care. They can mix their own opinions with what these elements are actually portraying. 

The writer can come up with ways in which this whole process can be made a lot easier. This can include pre reading other books and articles related to the topic that can urge them to read more. For example, in order to interpret a writing of Jane Austen, one can read her other works in order to be familiar with what her work is like and then start with a perspective.

If the perspective changes while interpretation, the writer can use it as a plot twist in the essay. It depends upon the writer on what level to analyze the original writing. Either it can be a line by line interpretation or the demonstration of instances where he or she feels the presence of a much deeper meaning. Have proofs to support the literary work. What was the reason behind this interpretation or what makes the writer think that way are a few questions that can be answered in the essay.

The original work is probably read by many, but the interpretation is unique for every person. Thus, one should try to keep the whole essay unique and try to present the interpretation in a unique way. The essay should be well divided into paragraphs with each paragraph clearly explaining each segment.

If the writing has characters then their behavior and the outcomes of their actions should be interpreted properly. Like any other essay, the interpretative essay should also have the introduction and the conclusion. The introduction should give an idea about what actually the whole writing is about and the conclusion should summarize what actually is said. The writer can note down the parts that can engage the audience with their own thinking to make the essay more entertaining.

Explaining the literary work is very important while writing an interpretive essay. The essay can also give a few details of the author mentioning his or her writing style. Before starting the essay, one can engage in a group discussion about the topic. This can help them analyze what views other people have about it.

Make sure to not write the summary of the writing. An interpretive essay is about analyzing and explaining what is not said. The essay should have a well-defined thesis and should not be forced with unnecessary points lacking facts.

Next comes the flow, it is very necessary to maintain the flow in the essay. Even though each element is analyzed and presented separately their connection with each other should not break. This could be ensured by maintaining the order of their occurrence. There are ways to improve the interpretive essay writing skills. One of them is the good old method of practicing. After reading a book or an article one should analyze it immediately. Writing all the unexpected instances and later doing some research on it can prepare the writer well for an interpretive essay. 

Interpretive essays are a great way to strengthen the thinking abilities. Nowadays, teachers are providing students with books to read. They are later asked to interpret it and write the interpretation in the form of an essay. This tests their understanding, thinking abilities and presentation. Different interpretations connect people as they strive to find a definite conclusion.

Interpretive essays are said to be the most comprehensive form of essays. They cannot be written with a lack of interest. One must maintain focus and pay attention to every detail. Upon finishing the essay one can try explaining it to a live or imaginary audience. This can help point out corrections or new ideas before the actual presentation. Interpretive essays have benefited a lot of people especially students all around the world and as George Eliot said, “All meanings we know depend upon the key of interpretation”, an interpretive essay creates a much better understanding of the work both for the writer and the reader.

By: Nisha Yadav

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