How to Write an Essay Fast

By: Fayis

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A bunch of the following quick essay writing tips will lead you through this seemingly arduous task. They are the main steps you’d normally take when writing a paper. Before you get to them, we’d like to point out that the most important thing about fast-written essay is careful planning, remembering about time, and sticking to the point.

Plan Your Time

How much do you have till you need to have the paper ready? If you have 30 minutes, then consider 10 minutes for outlining, 15 minutes for writing the body of your essay, and 5 minutes for revision. If you have an hour, then redistribute the time accordingly. Remember that you should spend at least ⅕ of your time on structuring, and at least ½ on shaping the paper’s body. Don’t forget to include revision in your plan.

Read Your Essay Question Carefully and Answer It

This step is crucial. If you understand the question vaguely from the beginning, you’ll be forced to go back to it when you should be focusing on writing. Come up with a quick answer in your head. This way, you’ll have the idea of what to write about. If you have trouble starting, brainstorm: write down anything that comes to mind first, and then choose what fits best.

Research to the Point

If you need research, do it. Just look for the most specific information. Search for the key concepts you’re definitely going to use in your paper. Remember that you don’t have much time on the whole essay, so be brief and concise in your research.

Spend 20% of Your Time on Outlining

Start with the simplest: break the essay into 5 paragraphs (a standard), including the introduction and conclusion. Each of them should contain a main point, evidence that supports it, summarizing sentences, and transitions to the next paragraph. Write your thesis statement in the intro. Ascertain that each paragraph’s key sentence is connected with the thesis statement. At this stage, all you need is to draft. You’ll finalize your sentences later.

Write down the Key Sentences for Each Paragraph (before You Write the Rest)

You’ve drafted them when you did the outline. This time, make sure that your sentences are strong, precise, and don’t require further editing. Normally, you won’t need more than a couple of minutes.

Make the Introduction and Conclusion Solid

You already have your thesis statement in the intro. So, write a hook preceding it — a quote, a relevant anecdote in a sentence or two, or some statistical information associated with the topic. Also, make a transition to the body of your essay at the end of the intro. In the conclusion, re-summarize the thesis statement while linking it to the evidence that you are providing in the body paragraphs. Write a conclusive sentence that would place the information in your paper into a broader context.

Spend about 40% of Your Time Writing the Rest

Here, you’ll write your supportive statements or provide evidence to your key points. You’ll introduce and summarize each paragraph and properly connect the parts of the essay together. That is the main chunk of your writing, for which you’ll require up to 40% of your time. There is no need to spend more.

Don’t Forget about Revision (5-10 Minutes)

This step is essential, so make sure you’ve left some time for it. During the revision, pay attention to the general structure, thesis statement and the key sentences in each paragraph. Then check if everything in your text is logically connected. Afterwards, see that you have no errors or typos. Voila! Your essay is ready for submission.

We’ve shared with you some of our own tricks on how to write a good essay fast. They involve carefully planned steps; sticking closely to your time limits; and keeping your research, writing, and revision strictly to the point. Any shift aside from your will only make you waste your time. In the end, if you know how to write an essay in an hour or less, you’ll not only deal with the task during your SATs, but you’ll be able to save so much of your valuable time during your studies at the college.

So you can complete your essay very fastly.

By: Fayis

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