How To Write A Good Review Essay

By: Defita Nabila Zahra

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Writing an essay can be challenging for everyone, especially students. There are many types of essay with their own different characteristics and linguistic features which can be confusing for students sometimes. Among the many types of essay, review essay becomes one of the essay that the students need to master. Commonly, teachers will ask students to write a review essay about a movie, a song, a poem and even a product. Unfortunately, review essay can also be considered as confusing and challenging for some students.

How to write a good review essay

To understand how to write a good review essay, we need to understand the definition and characteristic of review essay first. Then, we need to use our critical thinking and reading skill to understand the topic to be reviewed. Last, pay attention to text structure and completion Review essay is an essay where students need to write their reflection or understanding regarding one or some particular issue or theme. The purpose of this essay, no doubt, is to describe students’ reflection and understanding regarding the topic. On the other hand, this essay also assigned to the students to encourage students read more and ciritcally understand particular issue related to their study. Hence, students will be able to provide their critical review on those issue. Through this assignment, students are expected to improve their critical skill in reading information and critical thinking in processing information.

Other types of essay

Similar to other types of essay, review essay also start with introductory paragraph which consists of opening and brief explanation about the topic and the the problem statement that will be discussed and reviewed in the essay. The next part after the introductory section is the discussion section where students can start describing the issue in details and present their reflection and understanding on the issue. The last part of the essay would be the closing where students need to include the conclusion or the concluding remarks they have after reading and reviewing the issue. However, mere understanding on characteristics of review essay would not completely help us to write a good review essay. We also need to critically and thoroughly understand the issue that will be reviewed.   


Take example when a student needs to make a review essay about a novel. The first thing they need to do is to read the novel, understand what is being narrated in the story, every characterization and all the elements in the novel. That way, students will understand what they are about to review. Another example, when students need to write a review essay about a product, they will need to read and observe the product thorougly, as in the packaging, the ingredients, the purpose and the effect of the product. Without critical reading and understanding on the topic, students will not be able to write their opinion and reflection in the essay as they know nothing about the issue. The bottom line is that we need to understand and know much about the thing or particular issue we are about to review.

Pay attention to the text structure

Last but not the least, pay attention to the text structure and completion, including coherence, cohesiveness, and supporting resource in the essay. Coherence means that our review is logical and consistent. To deliver a coherent review, we rely to our understanding on our own reflection and perception on the issue which makes critical reading and thorough understanding on the issue becomes even more immportant. Furthermore, we also need to pay attention to cohesiveness where each paragraph connects to each other and form a unified discussion which is easy to follow and to understand for the readers. Coherence and cohesiveness play important role to present a good review essay.


Imagine that your readers cannot understand what is the essence of your review and what you are discussing about just because the paragraphs are disorganized and do not make sense. Besides coherence and cohesiveness, we also need to pay attention on the completion of the essay, that is the supporting resource of every argument we delivered in the review. We can cite the original book or source as a support to our argument in the review. It will also make our essay to be more valid and reliable to read as every claim is supported by reliable sources.

Final Words

In sum, there are three essential tips to write a good review essay. First, to understand what review essay is and its characteristics. Second, to read and think critically about the issue that will be reviewed in the essay. Last, to pay more attention to text structure and completion, that is to write the essay coherently and cohesively as well as to include reliable sources to every argument in the essay.

By: Defita Nabila Zahra

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