By: Nilanjana Mallik

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The usual length of an essay is 5 to 6 paragraphs including an interenting introduction, a power packed body paragraphs with solid arguements and personal interpretation and an impressive conclusion. Writing a 5 page essay requires more information regarding the topic and a better writing skill to illustrate your arguements elaborately ; obviously not by increasing the font size and gap between two consecutive words.

To treat a patient a doctor needs to diagnose the disease; in a similar way to write a good and long descriptive essay one needs to understand the essay prompt comprehensively; only then one can connect to the certain topic and write a 5 page essay about the same. So, firstly, understand the topic well and try to collect all the scattered feeling and information one gets regarding that particular topic in the mind.

Essays reflect essayist’s mindset and vision on that toopic so individual expression along with organized information is essential. One needs to notice the social, political, economical, environmental impact that topic upholds in the immediate society or on the youths to get an overall concept regarding the said topic. Before final writing make a rough outline to maintain the existing connections between the key points and to create the essay in an organized way.

The introduction bridges the gap between the reader and the author’s vision and introduces the topic to the reader. The introduction part should engage the readers and in a 5 page long essay the writer has the liberty to drag the introduction part and give a long and vivid description . Then coming to the main part it should be the skeleton of the essay consisting of long and meaningful arguements, with required explanations and examples and illustration and elaborate descriptions.

The body part should be of 3 or 4 pages in a 5 page essay. To make the essay long one must have enough knowledge, adequate vocabulary, plenty of time, patience and most importantly an active mind. Writing atmosphere, sitting place, quantity of time and scheduule of writing seem to be secondary aspects in content writing but these things play a pivotal role in final outcome.

Intense research work, evolutionary ideas, strong arguements, sensible opinions, rational analysis, biologically active mind, a peaceful disturbfree place and plenty of time along with your favourite beverage are a complete package for a compact, clear ,errorless, long essay. The size of the essay is directly proportional to the amount of important and relevant content including explanation and examples.

The more you include information, the more it would enrich the essay both qualitatively and quantitatively. Ultimately the conclusion should summarize all the key points and message delivered through it and it can be as long as 1 page  along with some famous quotes or verses.

If one has to increase the page number and the word count; one should smartly incorporate long arguements and detailed and open discussion with more information from various reliable resources along with strong grip on literature, essay writing skill, vocabulary in a particular language and idioms and phrases for better sentence formation and efficient editing and serious proofreading to find out smalll mistakes in a 5 page long essay.

It requires hardwork, patience, tolerance, passion , courage, modesty and optimism to complete this job. Moreover, practice makes a man perfect if any person wants to create a top notch essay rich in both quality and quantity so it requires vigorous practice with consistency and discipline.

By: Nilanjana Mallik

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