How To Write A 5 Page Essay

By: Rameen Fazal

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Writing is a main and continuing part of an education journey. Writing is an important part of our lives, whether we are in school, college, or university, or even in our professional lives. Writing essays in school , college, all this needs creative writing skills to get appreciation and recognition. There are a few things to improve or write 2500 or 5 page essays on.

Finding a study-friendly environment

The first step to take is to get into a quiet and peaceful environment, which will help you to increase your productivity and enhance your speed and efficiency at work. Many people are fine with crowded places, but it affects their speed of efficiency.

Understand topic

There are many demands on essay writing; one of them is an understanding of the topic. The understanding of your topic is the foundation of your essay to create and develop a vision for your topic. The understanding allows you to get the point about what the demand for your topic is and what the teacher, examiner, or maybe your boss, is demanding from you on that topic. This understanding will help to create the basis of your analysis.

Deep Search Topic

The next step is to conduct a thorough and extensive search for your topic. The search allows you to get a great grip on your topic and enhance your knowledge of it. Search and touch each and every step of your topic. Do some research and study your topic from all angles to come up with the main and strongest points in your mind. Use different sources to do your searching and use books if available. Take your time with searching and studying to develop your own understanding of the topic.


Brainstorming is the step that allows you to create your own points regarding a topic. Brainstorming lets you create your own vision of a topic. By asking questions and obtaining points regarding the topic by getting an understanding of the topic through searching and writing it down on paper. Consider the topic from all perspectives and angles, and ask yourself what the issues are, what their causes are, and how they are solved and developed.


The outline is the step that assists you in planning your essay. Outlining all the key points will give you direction on how to execute your essay in the best way possible. This will allow you to shape your essay in an orderly fashion. Outlining the main points works as a map for you. Outline all your points gathered by searching and then filtering them out by brainstorming.


The introduction of any essay is like a flight of stairs. If strains are beautiful, easy and catchy, then anyone (reader) is easily interested and climbs up to understand your point, but if they are horrific, difficult and not that appealing, then no one wants to climb up to see the point of your sky(point of view). So the introduction is crucial in capturing the reader’s attention and developing or killing interest in your essay.

The introduction consists of 10% of the whole length of the essay. In the introduction, you introduce your topic and provide the thesis statement for it. The introduction basically consists of 2-3 paragraphs. Use strong words and eye-catching statements. There is a pro tip to writing the introduction at the end of your essay. This will help you to develop a great understanding of your topic.

Main Body

The main body of an essay contains 70% of the essay. It is a tedious part of an essay. It provides the issues, arguments, and solutions to your topic. It also contains an argument to prove why your solutions are the best and most effective, so make it comprehensive and use the right arguments to justify your point and solutions regarding the topic.


The next number is conclusion, which comes after you have written and deployed all of your ideas on paper. A Conclusion helps you to sum up your whole essay in a few lines. The conclusion accounts for 10% of the total length of your essay. In the 5 page case, it must be half page length. In conclusion, rewrite all your points and topic issues and solutions regarding them, but in a smarter and shorter way. It’s like putting a whole ocean in a bottle.

Things to do

There are many ways and tips to improve your essay and make it stand out from other competitors.

  • Prewriting: write the draft of your essay first and then the final one.
  • Use a strong argument to defend your point.
  • Use simple language with catchy sentences.
  • Make sure to complete your essay within the given length limit of 2500 words (for a maximum of 5 pages with single spacing).

 Things to Avoid

There are a few things you need to take care of to write your best essay.

  • Avoid grammatical errors.
  • Avoid plagiarism
  • Avoiding spelling errors
  • Avoid short forms of words.
  • Avoid making punctuation errors.

Add References

At the end of the essay, add references and citations if any, and give proper credit to the owners.


To write a 5-page essay in the most productive manner, a person must have a deep understanding of the topic, develop a strong grip on the topic by deeply researching every aspect and angle of the topic, have an impressive introduction, comprehensive essay body, wholesome conclusion, and a distinct way to deploy his/her thoughts on paper in an exceptional manner.

By: Rameen Fazal

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