By: Pavitra J

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We all have an experience in school days, the teacher asked us to write an essay about ‘your ambition of life’. We eagerly write and submit for getting compliments from the teacher. The eagerness never changes from childhood to adulthood and even later whenever we heard about a new competition.

Have you ever thought about how those contests or being properly organized? An essay is a piece of writing which convince someone or something about a particular topic. Essay writing is an art. It explores new ideas and includes its point of view. Essay writing is an activity given to the students to enhance their language and writing skills. The perception of creating a paragraph about a particular topic varies from person to person. Writing is an art and organizing the writing is a major fulfilled art.

First, we need to decide on the concept of conducting the contest and mention if is there any specific theme for the competition. After deciding about conducting the contest, we should set a proper theme like an essay writing competition on Women’s Day celebration on the topic of “Women Empowerment”. Judges should be welcomed before announcing the competition to the audience. Don’t call the judges for fixing the winners after conducting the contest. Ask the judges about the guidelines for their judgement and mention them in the brochure.

Second, prepare the announcement card, posters or brochure to advertise on social media. The brochure should be well prepared with detailed information about the contest. Write about the organization like the competition on women empowerment is organized by a Women Management Company. The concept and content of the competition are mentioned as follows.

 Next, the title or topic of the essay writing competition is mentioned. The eligibility is most important to mention who else can participate in the contest, if there is any category like the group a, b, c or junior group and senior group mention that too.

The writing format is like whether the essay should submit in the handwritten format or typed format. If it is written format mention the paper and how many should be used in writing. If it is typed which font and style should be used all the necessary details should be mentioned in the paper.

Guidelines are the key which help the writer to be more specific in the usage of language whether it is Hind, English, both are any other language. The word limit should be mentioned which helps to structure and organize the essay in a limit.

The essay should be submitted in digital or handwritten and be couriered to a specific address mentioned. Mention all the rules and guidelines which you want to follow in the paper. Declare the starting and deadline of the competition.

Prizes are compliments given to outstanding works and as well as we should also encourage the participants. Announce the prizes, it is a material prize like a medal, trophy or non-material prize like a coupon, cash, gift card or publication of the essay on the website. Assign three main prizes as well as minor runner-up prizes to encourage more participants. If the rate of enrollment is high try to increase the prize and appreciate at least 25 per cent of the participants. Announce the judges and the organization contact. Mention the sponsors if it has. Mention the registration process is it paid or free contest?

After announcing the topic, collect and respond to the work sent by the participants. Treat all the participants equally by giving respect and responding to their queries calmly. After announcing the result, make all the participants feel better about the contest. Don’t be rude to the non-winners, it will affect them deeply and we may be the reason to suppress their upcoming talents. Make sure that your response is genuine to every participant without partiality.

In conclusion, organizing is not an easy task to achieve quickly. It is preplanned and built one by one like a bird’s nest. Creating your contest is not an instance of action. It is a process. Organize everything from top to bottom. You should also mention if there is any award ceremony for the winners. If the competition is offline mention the avenue, where it is going to happen. Everybody can’t attain a perfect program at one time, keep doing it you will be perfect and that makes you happier. Conducting contests without any expectation only with the motive of helping talented people is pure bliss.

“organization isn’t about perfection. It’s about efficiency, reducing stress and clutter, saving time and money and improving your overall quality of life”

By: Pavitra J

Write and Win: Participate in Creative writing Contest & International Essay Contest and win fabulous prizes.


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