How to Plan an Essay Writing Contest

By: Aryan Singh

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Being Engaged and getting Encouraged are very crucial in our learning phase. Communities that are made to and in process of making, perform the major play for both engagement and encouragement of students. These communities progressively work in terms of exposure to well-being.

There is an exposure society named AZ Ink prints which in March 2022 wanted to organize an Essay Writing contest among High school students in their area. But as first-timers, they needed lots of research to conduct the contest. So they started their research in January 2022 and collected all the prior Information till January End as per their research, they successfully reached all the high schools and conducted the contest smoothly. What does their Research say to  Plan an Essay Writing Contest?

A contest is challenging for participants but its arrangement and planning are as challenging as the contest itself. Arranging all the basic requirements, seating plan, and hall strength are some of the minor factors which are embedded in these challenges. To decode these challenges pre-planning is much needed for the institution which is on command. As suppose if we as organizers wanted to plan a high school essay writing contest then the following points are must do :

  1. A professional contact and proposal to each school

By the line, it is very clear that the community must follow a professional route to make contact with all the schools coming under their selected area and they have to provide a detailed as well as a strong-sounding proposal to them. Must be prepared with frequently asked queries by the institution. By this, the first ladder makes a succession.

  1. Reach and Advertisement

An underdog opinion but it makes a great impact. We might be planning the contest at a zone level but it must reach others to get inspired and the best and easiest way of reach is an advertisement. A community can ask for a formal advertisement by local channels as it does not cost much and Templates, Holdings, and Social Media, which is the most promising.

  1. GO Digital

Yes, it becomes more exciting when the contest comes with a tiny enhancement. We as a modern generation strong needs to adapt to this change for the better. This can polish youths’ minds and upgrade them with newer applications and also Digital platform tackles most of many challenges like

  1. Seating Arrangement – No worry about seating arrangement as the students can easily participate from their house.
  1. Saves working day –  This can comfort teachers and their students both as the contest can be held on weekends at holidays which saves teachers from period loss and students from reimbursement of classes.
  1. Plagiarism-free content check – There are many web pages and other applications that can digitally tell us about the content written being plagiarism-free and maintain a sense among students to convey their ideas.
  2. Topic Selection and Variety

The main theme of the Essay contest is the most exciting part of the whole process. Topic selection may carry some real-world vision, Updates and Enhances in Society, Humour Content, and some newer concepts which can encourage the students to get engaged in getting the prior knowledge before making hands on it. Also comprise a list of Themes which are to be considered during the contest as it seems to be a boring concept if it will rely on a single theme and try to avoid those old dragged themes which show no interest and binds the whole contest into something which is not polished and easy to pick.

  1. Language

Do not bind the students to English writing only, we must encourage the fresher generation to know the value of our native language.

  1. Evaluation and Awards

In today’s time, even the evaluation process has been upgraded with newer terms like checking plagiarism, matching word limit, whether the content is equipped with prior knowledge and if it’s mundane. Well, these terms help the checker to evaluate accordingly to each point.

Talking about awards, the most exciting activity during the whole contest. It’s very meaningful if we are awarding winners and participants on their value interests, as per the writing skills and the topic selection a winner can be awarded some similar surprise to his selection with mementos and certificates and the participants can be awarded e-certificates and access to some exciting and innovative books online.

So, considering all the above key points as a community, it helps us organize the contest without any breakers and do the same smoothly and meaningfully.

By: Aryan Singh

Write and Win: Participate in Creative writing Contest & International Essay Contest and win fabulous prizes.

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