Guide on How to Succeed in Your ACCA Exam

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Almost every ACCA aspirant across the world seats for the right resources and advice to help manage their study time and maintain focus on a regular basis. In this blog post, we have shared with you some of the top tips that you must follow as safeguarding steps to succeed in the upcoming ACCA examination. Read on to find out why you should choose ACCA Singapore courses to prepare for all the papers that this international examination calls for.

Mock tests

A majority of aspirants who are planning to appear for the ACCA examination stay away from participating in mock exams due to lack of time or build-up nervousness.

This is a great way to brush up on the areas that you need to work on a little bit extra to improve your overall score, allowing you to replicate the entire experience during the real examination.

ACCA Examiner Reports

Studying the examiner’s report can enable you to focus on a topic that is likely to come up in the upcoming examination. Laying this is on analyzing technical articles a few months before the final date of the examination can help you get familiar with the common question.

Technical Articles

Reading the reviews of previous examinations can give you the perfect route to pass. This helps you create the exam outlining, letting you develop your own strategy on passing and avoiding every mistake that you should.

Past Papers

This is probably the best way out there to become exam-ready and obtain a clear idea of the types of questions and instructions that you are about to face. You will get a deeper understanding of the exam structure and lay special emphasis on a specific question that you think needs a different approach when it comes to answering.

Time Management

From the point to get the question paper in your hand, you mustplan how you’re going to answer all the questions within the stipulated time, as well as leave some room behind to get back to your answers for a quick revision.

Keep in mind that every new question requires your full attention so that you are not living out on any important points that are required to be mentioned.

Miscellaneous Things to Keep in Mind

Play strong focus on the instructions provided by the lecturers during class hours, so that you get all the figures correct when it comes to calculating. Besides always keeping an eye on the time, you should make sure that you have attempted the full paper without overlooking or rewriting any questions. For computer-based examinations, you must ensure that all the internet cookies are enabled, and pop-up blockers disabled. If allowed, you may want to take in a dongle that has a good Wi-Fi signal and use genuine operating system software.

Keep in mind all the above-mentioned points and make sure to act upon them to feel more confident during the upcoming ACCA examination.

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