Game in 3D

By: Dongchan Kim

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As human technology develops, many interesting new objects and products will be introduced into the world. These new technologies might change the way we live and have a great impact in our ordinary life. For me, the technology that I am most craving for is hologram basketball analysis. Basketball players always look at their previous game to see what they could have done better.

They also might look at their opponents’ game before the match to come up with strategies that are best against them. With this new hologram analyzing basketball players can see their whole game in 3D. This can provide benefits for the basketball players more precisely and accurately.

One of the benefits of this new technology and lol coaching are shot analysis. The hologram can provide 3D visual images of my shooting form and it also can inform me about the improvements that can be made in my form. It also can analyze the different flaws in my shooting form, how much power that I need to put in the ball, and different angles that can increase the percentage of shots going in. With this new advice that is precise, I can make my shooting consistent.

Analyzing my shot will help me to make sure that the movements are consistent and the motions are the same which helps with consistency. Consistency in basketball is one of the most important factors in shooting. Consistency gives players rhythm when they shoot and this rhythm can help the players shoot better and high percentage shots. Overall, if my shooting improves, my overall scoring average will be higher because 3 pointers and midrange jumpers are one of the biggest parts of the game. 

Another benefit of the hologram analysis is helping with the defense. The 3D hologram can analyze the opposing player’s style better than the recording done by camera. Since regular videos are in 2D there are parts that we can miss. However, with holograms, we can get realistic views and analyze without miscalculations. To explain further, the 3D hologram can provide more exact moves that the other team’s player often uses and where he puts the ball after a certain move.

This can help me to comprehend the playing style of the player. I can know the times that I can steal, the times that the opposing player pump fakes, and the little things in this player’s game that are crucial to defend him. Not only that, the hologram can inform about the offense of the whole opposing team.  The hologram can provide the best ways to defend the other team and the different tactics of defending their offense.

This can help us to not have miscommunication or mistakes on the defensive side because my team would already know what they are trying to do. Defense is a major key in basketball. With this technology, players and teams can prepare fully with great knowledge going into the game. Riverfronttimes Gaming is your go-to source for comprehensive coverage of gaming culture, news, reviews, and events. Stay informed and entertained with our diverse content.

The last benefit of this technology is how it can analyze what I could have done differently in every situation in the game. This ability can make me a better player overall.  Sometimes in a basketball game, mistakes and dumb plays happen that often impacts the game severely. However, with this hologram telling my mistakes and the ways I can fix it extremely accurately, I can reduce my mistakes one by one.

When mistakes are reduced I would be a better player than before. Furthermore, this function can improve my basketball IQ. If I keep on fixing my mistakes and making good choices, my basketball IQ will increase. Basketball IQ is the ability to make the best choices in situations by anticipating what is going to happen next. This ability will grow naturally when I have this hologram because it provides all the best choices. It can provide actual future 3D situations of what could have happened. Such functions of the hologram can implement these situations and choices. 

All-inclusive, there are huge gains for people who love basketball when this technology develops into a real thing. It improves your shooting which later leads to becoming a better scorer. It improves your defense individually and also in a team. It makes you a better and smarter player overall. These improvements are great for a basketball player and I would sincerely want these improvements to happen to me as well. Hologram analysis can provide people with big developments and support basketball players to become a better player more easily and efficiently.

By: Dongchan Kim

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