Essay Proofreading Service

By: Kamlesh Manchanda

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Proofreading is careful checking for errors in a text before it is published or shared. It is the ultimate very last stage of the writing process. Writing a quality essay or any text is a tough proposition, but making it error-free is even more challenging. 

Writing an essay after gathering vast deep knowledge about the topic and having different ideas about the theme is bit easy. But after detailed elaboration, comes the essential part, editing and essay proofreading. It makes the essay more cohesive and coherent, eliminate any grammatical errors and polish it properly.

The Essay proofreading service concentrates for checking spelling errors, grammar errors, syntax errors and misplaced words. It is always the aim to deliver the essay with all of these removed. The editing addition extends core essay proofreading service to provide more insight into the language, including; suggestions to reword parts of sentences to make the message clearer; suggestions for more natural wording for awkwardly written language; checks for the formatting style of headers, footers, citations etc. and checks against the style guide.

Proofreading services mainly include reading and reviewing documents so as to eliminate technical errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation etc. Professional proofreading and editing services also include ensuring that contents and information in documents is logically presented and written in a clear and concise manner.

Different Types of Proofreading

  • Academic Proofreading.
  • Translation and Bilingual Proofreading.
  • Print Media Proofreading.
  • What Does Proofreading Require?

A proofreader is a person within the book publishing world, who works in conjunction with the copy-editor to ensure that a publication fulfils its purpose and is readable. However, accomplished the author may be, they are too close to their own work to read it. 

A career in proofreading can be rewarding one, both financially and in terms of job satisfaction. There are not many skills needed to become a proofreader but do need excellent spelling and grammar skills as well as a strong command of the language, proofreading in.

For beginner proofreaders, all needed for a remote job is sound knowledge of spelling, grammar and punctuation, a sharp eye for detail and the ability to concentrate for long periods of time, to work neatly and accurately, organizational and time-management skills to meet deadlines in time bound manner.

Tips for Effective Proofreading:

Proofread backwards. Begin from the end and work back through the paper paragraph by paragraph or even line by line. This will force one to look at the surface elements rather than the meaning of the paper.

Know own typical mistakes. Before one proofreads, look over papers written in the past. Make a list of the errors made repeatedly.

Proofread for one type of error at one time. If commas are most frequent problem, go through the paper checking just that one problem. Then proofread it once again for the next most frequent problem.

Break between writing and proofreading.  Set the paper aside for the night to have a gap or break— or even for twenty minutes.

Daytime Proofread at the time of day when most alert to spotting errors.

Proofread once aloud. This will slow down and one will hear the difference between what is meant to write and what one actually wrote.

Try to give a break between the time one completes final version of the paper and the time one sits down to edit. Approaching writing with a clear head and having at least an hour to work on editing will ensure that one can do a thorough, thoughtful job. The results will definitely be worthwhile.

Ask someone else to read over paper and help one find sentences that aren’t clear, places where one is being wordy and having any errors.

Read through the paper several times, once looking just at spelling, another time looking just at punctuation, and so on. Again, this can help focus so it will do a better job. Use the spell-checker on computer, but use it carefully, and also do own spell-checking. Get help. If one is  not sure if one needs that comma or whether to use “affect” or “effect,” look it up in a writing handbook.

Main responsibilities of a proof reader are that they catch spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. They also look at the formatting to make certain that all elements are included and appear as they should – spotting things like a sentence appearing twice or accidentally getting the words  omitted, a headline failing to show as bold or the date missing from a document. 

Polish the sentences at this point, making them smooth, interesting and clear. Watch for very long sentences, as they may be less clear than the shorter ones, more direct sentences. Pay attention to the rhythm of writing; try to use sentences of varying lengths and patterns. Also look for unnecessary phrases, repetition, and awkward spots.

By: Kamlesh Manchanda

Write and Win: Participate in Creative writing Contest & International Essay Contest and win fabulous prizes.

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