Effect of Architecture on your Lifestyle

By: Dewi Anissa

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With the progress and development of the times, architecture has become a part of everyday life that we often encounter. Of course, architectural styles are constantly evolving. Many do not realize that the existence of architecture can affect human psychology. We can see this from the mood and behavior of ordinary people. Also, it can be seen when we are in a room or building. Our experience of architecture certainly influences our psychology.

When we find ourselves in an architecture whose arrangement or ideas are not in harmony with the activities being carried out, it creates a feeling of disenthusiasm or boredom. Changes in behavior caused by changes in the way people behave in a new way, namely according to lifestyle and way of life, are caused by perceptions formed by experience, level of understanding, and age. So even though the object of perception is the same, the reception and expression are different.

As therapists, designers solve design problems for the people who use and inhabit spaces by considering their needs, whether they are functional, social, psychological, or environmental, and understanding how they are used. Research is used to identify and explain the relationship between human behavior and the built environment. for environment. Architecture’s main goal is to meet individual needs, especially to create safe and comfortable buildings.

As social beings, humans live in and are shaped by their environment. This is where environmental and social conditions begin to affect the psychological side of the individual. The level of privacy, spatial planning, character, accessibility, distribution, and even aesthetic aspects can affect a person’s psychological aspects. Houses for urban planning are arranged and designed indirectly by architects. Our lives are surrounded by architecture; the environment in which we operate is full of architecture, and there is no doubt that architecture influences the psychological aspects of every individual who lives in it.

The psychological aspect has been applied in the architectural development of several cities and countries. For example, take the city of Vancouver in Canada. It is known as one of the most popular cities because it combines buildings with beautiful landmarks such as mountains or forests. The goal is for residents to feel comfortable in their various daily activities. The theory put forward by Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg of the University of Heidelberg suggests that urban living can change the biology of the human brain by reducing gray matter in the right frontal cortex and prefrontal cortex, two areas associated with the emergence of stressful experiences. Another theory is that the natural environment’s visual complexity acts as a mental drug.

Color, texture, and many others are important aspects that can affect human psychology. Small details that we do not expect can be important things that can affect the formation of the environment in which we live. Of course, there is an interaction between architecture and human psychology. A functional balance between culture, privacy, accessibility, distribution, and environment is the key to creating architecture that is both beautiful to look at and beautiful to live in. This can awaken the sensitivity of the architect when designing buildings.

The success of psychological architecture is measured by how well the building can meet the needs, preferences, and satisfaction of its occupants. Human behavior and psychological aspects can be influenced by the experience, comfort, and imagination of various architectural elements. Therefore, the application and approach of psychological aspects in building design is a good thing, so that architects can study human behavior and sensitivities and create safe and comfortable dwellings for their inhabitants.

Minimalism has become the norm or even a lifestyle for most people. starting from appearance, architecture, interior design, and lifestyle. A minimalist lifestyle already exists, and it has recently become a trend for most people, particularly among Millennials and the current Z generation. What makes this lifestyle so great that so many people love it and even use it as a lifestyle?

Of course, architecture influenced our psychology when we were young, especially the Millennial generation, because we wanted to shoot wherever and whenever we could find good and interesting architecture. Many modern places tend to have interesting architectural styles, such as cafes, shopping centers, hotels, etc. Many young people rarely come to the cafe just because the cafe is interesting, and it’s interesting to record where it is and then upload it to social media. Things like that are very natural and often encountered in life. The most visible impact of architecture on lifestyle is when everything has to look aesthetically pleasing and appealing on social media.

By: Dewi Anissa

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