Corruption-Free India for a Developed Nation

By: Lavisha Mahajan

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What if I told you India could become a corruption-free and developed country? Corruption is the benchmark. Its root cause is taking care of oneself. It has a catastrophic impact on our nation. Illiteracy is the leading cause of corruption. Illiterate people look for government officials to ease their difficulties instead of giving assistance they demand a bribe.

The greed among officials due to weak ordinances and governance is causing corruption. India is persevering hard to eliminate such social evils. We got intoxicated by corruption in almost every field. Corruption is everywhere in India from the political system to the education system. Officials often misuse their power and authority which is a form of corruption.

Moreover, Nepotism is an unfair practice leading to corruption in India. Overpopulation is further aggravating the problem. A survey revealed that 92% of Indians paid a bribe to get their job done at some point. It worsens our image in the international market. The only way of eradicating corruption is by giving youth motivational speeches in their schools so that they don’t dare to give and take bribes.

Powerful laws are necessary to reduce corruption. There should be an effective implementation of policies and regulations laid down by the government. Being a tech fanatic, Digitalization can improve the risk of fraud and corruption. Digitalization can make considerable differences in battling corruption. Digital empowerment, services, and utilization of digital tools can curb corruption to a greater extent. Lack of information among people is often the cause of corruption. There is a growing need for the enhancement of technology across diverse fields.

Advancing toward paperless administration with Digi-locker provides an opportunity to make our nation corruption-free. In addition to this, we have to treat our rotten beliefs and habits. A lot is to be done to revert the crisis of corruption. The first step begins with the awareness of people about the intensity of the problem and its repercussions in the future. To sum it up, it can be said that corruption is a mounting problem that endangers the very existence of the country.

The reckless attitude of people blinded with avarice and prejudice can bring doom upon our survival in a corruption-free and developed nation. The time has now come to uproot it from its miscellaneous roots. Until and unless corruption is present nobody can fulfill that utopian society. Corruption is the toxin that has penetrated the intellects of people. People should take benefit of technology and work from their homes to avoid the entrapment of corruption.

People should be assisted to use the technology and save themselves from the trap of employees indulging in taking bribery in return for speedy work. This is where technology can come in handy. Strictness at workplaces can improve the deteriorating condition. With consistent efforts, both social and political, we can overcome corruption and make India, a developed and corruption-free country.

By: Lavisha Mahajan

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