Chiselled Jaw Can Now Be a Series of Injections Away

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Most people desire to have a chiselled jawline. Those who are born with chiselled features on their body possess a well-defined and distinct bone structure. Just take a look at celebrities like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Their sharp jaw profiles contribute to their overall killer looks. Some rely on exercise, grooming techniques, or application of enhancing products to mimic such facial features. However, others step up their game by getting cosmetic injectables Brisbane dermatology clinics have to offer.

What Are Cosmetic Injectables?

Cosmetic injections are primarily used for minimising facial lines and wrinkles. The procedure is performed by a registered medical practitioner who is backed up with enough training and experience. This is to ensure that everything they do will go correctly. Before going into the clinic, you can check the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) website to verify that the people in a cosmetic injectables Brisbane dermatology clinic are indeed certified to perform the treatment.

Achieving a Chiselled Jawline

One common obstacle in having a sharp jawline is the presence of a double chin. Although it is a tell-tale sign of weight gain or obesity, a double chin can also be caused by other factors. It can be because of age when the skin starts to lose elasticity. Poor posture and genes can also cause this submental fat to form. No matter what the root cause is, the good news is that it can be removed with the help of experts in double chin removal Brisbane clinics have.

During the early days, the only way to treat a double chin was liposuction. Thanks to advanced developments by cosmetic professionals, this can now be removed through fat dissolving injections. This treatment involves a series of injections that destroys fat cells under your chin. The fat dissolving product removes at least 25% of fat cells each session.

The procedure starts by numbing the area under your chin using a local anaesthetic. Then, the medical practitioner marks a grid in the area to make sure that the product is injected consistently. Changes can be visible after two to four sessions. Today. more and more men are interested in a more defined facial feature. That is why jawline and chin filler men clinics have also become popular.

After Care

A normal reaction to the injections is that the injected area will swell after 24 hours. This is a good sign because it means that the fat cells are beginning to break down. To alleviate any discomfort, you may apply a cold compress to the area for a few days. Refrain from applying makeup or other chemicals to avoid irritation. Swelling should go away after two to three weeks, and the reduction of the double chin should be noticeable thereafter.

Find a Recognised Cosmetic Physician in Brisbane

When looking for someone whose name is already recognised in the field of cosmetic injections, you should get in touch with Dr Scott Allison. He is an expert cosmetic physician, as well as a trainer in administering cosmetic injectables Brisbane clinics provide. His local and international training is proof that all the procedures his clinic offers are skillfully done.

Let him help you get that facial feature you’re longing for. Book an appointment at today!


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