A Beautiful Symphony of Life: My Mother, My Inspiration

In the tapestry of life, woven with experiences and relationships, certain figures stand out as beacons of inspiration. For me, that guiding...

Wood Vs. Plastic Toys -Which is Better for Kids?

Have you thought about what makes a good toy? You can come across thousands of interactive toys -both...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Coaching Institutes

In this world, most children are so ambitious to explore new things. In the same way, many children have the ambition of becoming doctors,...


Parents serve as the architects of our upbringing, the steadfast pillars of support, our guiding stars, and, most importantly, the precious gems...

My Father: My Inspiration

The influence of a father in shaping the character and aspirations of a child is immeasurable. In my life, my father stands...

Mahatma Gandhi: The Epitome of Nonviolent Leadership

Mahatma Gandhi, a name synonymous with nonviolent resistance and tireless advocacy for justice, stands as a towering figure in the annals of...

Necessity of a Holiday Break Before Kickstarting the New Year

January 1st is considered the start of a new chapter in life for many. Thus many people around the world celebrate this...

How to Help Your Child Achieve Top Academic Results with Practice...

It’s no secret that children need to work hard and dedicate time to their studies to gain good academic results. But there...

A Tale of Resilience: Overcoming Adversity

Life is an unpredictable journey filled with challenges that test our mettle and resilience. Within the tapestry of our experiences, there are...


Inspiration refers to the way we want to do something that was learned from someone. That may be good or bad but...