Biography of an UNSUNG HERO ( forgotten or ignored)

By: Sri Harshitha P

hero Birbala Biography Heroes
hero Birbala Biography Heroes
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Biography of an UNSUNG HERO

Similar to all Capricorns , am a patriotic girl to exemplify the saying, “May the tricolor of my country furls very high!” From Mangal Pandey to Mahatma Gandhi, From the Great Revolt to Quit India Movement, our freedom struggle has inscribed its own glory in the history. To make this piece of literature different, let me portray a Gandhian here.




A US citizen, Bhaumik, spent his childhood and college years in pre-Independence Bengal, found himself deeply influenced by three people whom he names in his writings—his grandmother, Mahatma Gandhi and a revolutionary, “an awesome woman” of her time ! To be precise, “Awesome” is something that is cool, worthy of respect and essentially inspires awe and that is what I could personify this extraordinary woman to.  None other than, MATANGINI HAZRA.


On 17th November 1869, Matangini was born in Hogla village located under Tamluk police station in Midnapore district, West Bengal. Due to her family’s abject poverty, she remained unlettered and unschooled all her life. Her dire straits compelled her to become the child bride. Her married life was nondescript and uneventful. By 18, widowed and childless, she returned to her parental village, though she chose to maintain a separate establishment for herself. Over the next few years, she spent the greater part of her time in helping people who lived around her. At that point in time little did she know how her future would take shape.


Following her husband’s death, she began devoting herself to social causes. In the early 1900s, the Nationalist movement began gaining attraction across the subcontinent and Gandhi travelled extensively across the length and breadth of the region, raising awareness for the freedom movement. According to state government archives, Hazra became so inspired by Gandhi’s beliefs that she became a devoted follower of the leader, earning herself the name, “Gandhi buri”.


So the years slipped by. In 1905, she became actively interested in the Indian independence movement as a Gandhian. A notable feature of the freedom struggle in Midnapore was the participation of women. 

However, the turning point in her life came a few years later. On 26th January 1932 (designated as Independence Day during the freedom movement), menfolk of the area marched in a procession to create awareness about the political scenario prevailing in the country. While it passed by her hut, she came out and joined them. Matangini aged 62, vowed to fight for India’s liberation from the clutches of the British. For her, there was no looking back.


A few months later, she vigorously participated in Mahatma Gandhi’s Civil Disobedience Movement, especially the Salt Satyagraha. She took part in salt manufacturing at Alinan, her late husband’s village. Following which, she was arrested for violating the British salt laws.

The authorities punished the frail woman, by forcing her to walk a long distance. She later participated in the movement for the abolition of the chowkidari tax. During a march towards the court building, to protest against the Governor’s harsh decision to punish all agitators, Matangini was arrested again and made to serve a six-month prison term at Baharampur jail.

After being released, she became an active member of the local unit of Indian National Congress. She resorted to spinning on her own charkha despite her failing eyesight and advancing age. Following the outbreak of a smallpox epidemic, she tirelessly nursed the sick men women and children.

In 1933, she attended the Sub-divisional Congress Conference at Serampore and sustained injuries when the police unleashed baton charge on the protesters. Later in 1933 when Sir John Anderson, Governor of Bengal visited Tamluk to address a public gathering, Matangini craftily managed to avoid the security and reach the dais where she waved a black flag. She was awarded six months rigorous imprisonment for her bravado.


Then came the momentous phase of her life. It was 1942. In August that year, under the banner of the Quit India Movement, local Congress workers planned to besiege various police stations and government offices located in Midnapore district. The 73-year-old Matangini Hazra took the initiative.

On 29th September, she led six thousand supporters, mostly women, to capture the Tamluk police station. When the procession reached the outskirts of the town, the Crown police ordered them to disband, citing Section 144 of the Indian Penal Code. When a defiant Matangini stepped forward, appealing to the police not to shoot at the crowd, she was hit by a bullet.

Unwavering, she moved forward holding the tricolour high, urging her comrades to follow suit. Despite being riddled by bullets she moved on, ceaselessly chanting VANDE MATHARAM! Later they found her limp, lifeless body, lying in a pool of blood. But the tricolour was still held high. Even in death, the brave heart had ensured that the flag – symbolizing the spirit of freedom – remained unsullied!


A statue of the brave soul stands at the Maidan in the heart of Kolkata. A similar statue marks the spot in her native Tamluk, where she breathed her last. No doubt, this statue remains a fitting reminder of her remarkable story.

In 2002, as part of the commemoration of sixty years of the Quit India Movement, a series of postage stamps was issued by the postal department. Among them was a five rupee postage stamp with Matangini Hazra’s facsimile. Last but not the least, Hazra Road, a major road in south Kolkata is named in the memory of the valiant freedom fighter.


Not all individuals imbued with patriotic zeal and love for their homeland come to the forefront or grab public attention.Seventy-five years ago, Matangini Hazra, a poor peasant woman, participated in the independence struggle in her own humble way. Though she remained out of the limelight, yet her contributions were invaluable. Her name remains etched in the annals of India’s freedom movement.JAI HIND

From an Extrovert who always believes in Hardwork than Luck

By: Sri Harshitha P

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