By: Priyanka Shrinivas Kulkarni

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The Indian Constitution has recently completed 74 years of success. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, Sir B. N. Rau, S. N. Mukherjee and many others helped our Constitution stand firm and unite the country. Knowing these efforts, we must think that ‘what is the value of a good constitution to a country?’

A constitution is important because it establishes the principles, rights and structures of a government. It helps to create a just and democratic society. It must include a broad perspective and futuristic vision to promote stability and upholding values. Beholding all these important characteristics, our Constitution is the topmost rule of the country.

Then why is it violated? Who is responsible for that? And ultimately, why do we accept that?

India is a young and largest democratic country. Don’t you think we must respect the Constitution? Don’t you think we must try to practice the individual liberty and rights? Or we just sit in front of television watching news and judge baselessly that, “Government has ruined our country!”

Government is the one who ‘serves’ the democracy. No doubt Government is working exceptionally well to run this large country. We have various diversities. ‘Unity in Diversity’ principle is ought to be followed. But sadly, it isn’t. We still doubt the purity of Government, schemes, and theories of running a country.

Irish Patriot Daniel O’Connel has said well, ‘No man can be grateful at the cost of his honour, no woman can be grateful at the cost of her chastity and no nation can be grateful at the cost of its liberty.’ The major enemy of our country is ‘Politics’. Government has become a source of ‘rule’, not of development. The growth and development of country are two main ignored aspects. Instead, we think about politicians, political parties, elections, corruptions at almost every level, etc. If we are really facing corruptions, why don’t we raise our voice against it? Why aren’t we protesting then? Because, we have the fear of losing our stability, losing our people. Is it just?

As we all know, Abraham Lincoln has given the definition of democracy that states ‘Democracy is the government of the people, by the people and for the people’. But the statement seems to be just in speeches. Maybe it’s because we are unnecessarily dependent on the Government. In India, we have ‘people’s government’. But if we really enter the system; excluding government jobs and elections; what will happen? Dear citizens, it looks like we have to take the ‘liberty of thought and expression’ seriously now. Corruption, terrorism, naxalism, etc. all start and end at us, directly or indiectly. And above all, we accept these unjust conditions! We must unite to protect our country, from us! We really don’t have to break the traffic rules or be illegal alcoholics. All that we need is to get a way out from our ‘let it flow as it is’ comfort zone.

We have taken several steps to do this. But whenever a protest or any action is taken, it is ignored. Several times, people are killed when they ask for their rights and the topic is suppressed. This is fault of no political party, no particular politician, but us. We are not taking united steps here. It means we are accepting the corruption in Judiciary, Executive and Legislature. Taking steps doesn’t mean any protests, rallies, the Non- Co-operation Movement or any other movements. It means taking small steps that make big difference.

For instance, whenever you hear National Anthem, National Song, Preamble or Pledge from a nearby school, do you stand still where you are? It sounds basic, but is valuable. One time you stand, next time two more people will follow you. What is the role of Government in this? Nothing! Beggars are Indian citizens who live on street, and we are okay with it! In fact, we mostly avoid them. Why so? We must have self-esteem as a human. And we must practice it towards all humans. Everyone wants to get better. Everyone has the right to lead a life with dignity.

Also, we are the one who can decrease ‘unconstitutional methods’. It is a theory which must be applied. If we unite and control ourselves, there is nothing that can beat us. Only, we must stand straight on our merit for jobs. Government’s reservations, scholarships is some part of our success. It is no use depending on them totally. Our merit, our success, our belief is all that ultimately matters. If we take responsibility of our country, we shall get the opportunities to strengthen our democracy.

We get similar message from the ‘Trinity of Democracy’. We must provide equality on our level to everyone. Small strokes fell great oaks. If we practice justice amongst us, one day we shall practice it amongst countries. Fraternity means a sense of common brotherhood. There is no dilemma in making a friend out of enemies. We must get over these materialistic ‘winning and losing’ perspectives. Let us think out of this box. Let us work for our country. Let us try our best to provide our society social and economic liberty. Because nothing else really matters more than the land we live on.

India is a very important country in the world in terms of economy, international trade, rich culture, history, natural resources, etc. We are fortunate enough to be part of such a great country. We can bring back the lost purity and stability of our nation, as we have a vast young and productive population. The Indian Constitution’s message for today’s youth is to understand and respect the values of humankind to create a fair and just society. It is our duty to help the Constitution step out of books and enter the society. We youngsters are the only one who can imbibe the true meaning of Constitution throughout the country.

Lastly, we must accept the ‘change for good’ and let it happen. We must eliminate any hero-worship around us. If today we don’t understand the value of improving ourselves beyond government, and take cumulative efforts as native citizens of India, who will, and when? There’s no tomorrow for this. It is only now. It won’t happen in one day, but one day, it will. Together, we shall make a difference!

By: Priyanka Shrinivas Kulkarni

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