Artificial Intelligence: With Robotics and Machine Learning

By: Ankita Meher

Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
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Artificial Intelligence is an interdisciplinary science concerned with building machines that can perform many tasks which require human Intelligence with the approach in advance in machine learning and deep learning(an ability of computer to control robots within the wide range of virtual sectors of the Technology industry which).

In simple language, a Theory that requires human intelligence to perform various tasks with the perspective of visual and machine language translation.

With the advance in technology, it has been used in many organizations which differs from each other from geographical region to another acknowledging the solution Technology brings to initiate the security frameworks and energy and natural resource management and etc.

This led to the most focus on the research and development of AI chat with some humans’ complex tasks it has led to inaccuracy, some failures, and inefficiency, so artificial intelligence has more potential in doing things with accuracy, which poses more accuracy practices. This Framework is now available to human beings and useful and we can say that made achievements to come further, now it is being used in many tasks officially.

With AI virtual assistants about many tasks, which can help people to carry out many tasks, you can make your deadline and the calendar marked, for functioning as it is made with the developed programming on the multiple assignments to work on furthermore more scope in the narrowing the application.

In today’s business, technology is increasing its productivity unlike human labor, it is giving more input with a positive output on average increasing the proactive decision, and decision-making output with effective productivity connecting to the various Framework such as big data storage cryptocurrency blockchain internet of things are able to increase the effectiveness and speediness of the information transmission.

In 1956, an academic conference was held on the subject, where John McCarthy coined the term, artificial intelligence, the journey of how the machine can think was much truly started before.

Ancient philosophers back thousands of years started considering artificial intelligence questions of life and death. the inventor used the word ” automatons” which were mechanical and recently moved with intervention the word comes from Greek from 400 BCE meaning “acting of one own will” which refers to a mechanical pigeon made by a philosopher Plato’s friend.

Later on, Leonardo da Vinci made the famous automatons around the year 1495.

How is the machine functioning? is now being focused on the 20th century where scientists and engineers work towards our modern-day artificial intelligence.

How does artificial intelligence work?

The first wave of rule-based processes is known as an algorithm which is (symbolically AI or expert system), which follows, the decision step by step by responding intelligently to the situation given, which is useful in the approach of different levels of confidence-making a good decision in the wide-ranging environment does not change much over time and this way the algorithm method is still successful in applying in various domains.

The second wave of AI which is inspired by recent data driven by the functionality of the brain, automates the learning process by the artificial neural network of the algorithm which generates the responses to input to tackle more complex problems more ANNs are added. With machine learning the evolutionary principle is gradually increasing with the improvement of the intelligent responses to input, and deep learning refers to the several layers of ANNs.

The third wave response to the potential approach in advanced evolutionary, brain emulation, and Quantum computing, such as a self-explanatory algorithm that can exhibit intelligence in a wide range of contexts and problems solving, but their impact is its modest level so not be underestimated which is not possible with the artificial general intelligence(AGI).

Why does it matter?

AI deepened the data analysis more, with its intelligence, information, progressive learning approach, most out of input with maintaining the accuracy, which comprises of its history and developments.

Which spans several decades of artificial intelligence in the history of AI making the milestone and the focus in shifts constitute the major developments in AI are:

In the early 1900s, the question started around with, will there be a mind which can interact with humans? Is it possible to create a human bot which can be much more efficient to do much work?  So, scientists made some versions of what we know as “robots”( word was coined in 1921 in Czech play).

Some chronological events occurred which led to the advancement in knowing the groundwork of artificial intelligence.

1921: A science friction play was released “Rossum’s Universal Robots” which introduced the idea of knowing the naming of robots. First known word used.

1929: Makoto Nishimura , Japanese professor built the first Japanese robot named Gakutensoku.

1949: The book was published which came with the idea of models of computer to human brains.( The book Giant Brain, or Machines that Think”) was written by Computer scientist Edmund Callis Berkley.

This was the time when experts interested in AI came to existence, the term artificial intelligence became popular and measure computer intelligence.

1950: The book “Computer Machinery and Intelligence” by Alan Turing was published, The imitation game( a test of machine intelligence)

1952: A independent game was developed by a computer scientist name Arthur Samuel.

1955: A workshop at Darthmouth, this is where it was first coined by John McCarthy “ Artificial Intelligence.”

The rapid growth and struggle of AI research, the time late 1950s – 1960s was the creation time, from programs to the advancement of technology, became the mainstream in the ideas of robots quickly. The struggle for AI research continued showing interest in the field of automation and robotics.

1958: This programming language is still in use LISP( List Processing) was the first programming language for research.

1959: “ Machine Learning” term created by Arthur Samuel, speaking about how machines can be much better after programming them.

1961: Unimate was the first industrial robot designed to work on the assembly line at General Motors in New Jersey Task of transporting welding parts on cars.

1965: “ The expert system “was created to replica the ability of thinking and decision-making abilities of humans.

1966: New approach in deep learning, Alexey Ivakhnenko (  Soviet Mathematician) published “ Group Methods of data handling” in journal “Avtomatika”, also the first chatbot was created by Joseph Weizenbaum, that used the natural language processing to talk to human.

1979: The first example of automotive vehicle was able to navigate the room full of chairs without human interference successfully, the associationAssociation for the Advancement Of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) was founded.

AI boom showed the Rapid growth and development in artificial intelligence the research was continued with funding and support from the government, a learning technique was introduced and the expert system was popular in use, which allowed to make computers to learn and take decisions independently.

1980 : Expert Configure( XCON) name into the commercial ordering the computer system picking the components automatically based on customer’s needs.

1981: The fifth-generation computer project by the Japanese government was developed to AIM computers that can translate language and know the expression reasoning at the human level.

1986: The first driverless car or robot car, was demonstrated which can drive up to 55mph on roads without any obstacles or human drivers. This car was developed by Ernst Dickmann and his team at Bundeswehr University of Munich.

with setbacks in the machine market, the private funders lost interest in AI due to a slowdown in the development of the expert system which included the end of project which describes the lower period in public customer’s interest in artificial intelligence. which is known as the AI winter phase.

but in the early 90s AI regaining in the forward strike in the research that could beat a world championship player and became the first commercially recognized software in Windows computer this introduce a new era of artificial intelligence in everyday life.

1997: Deep blue developed by IBM beat the world chess champion, Gary Kasparov, becoming the first smart program to beat a human chess world champion.

2003: Two rovers landed on Mars developed by NASA( spirit and opportunity) without human intervention to navigate the surface of Mars planet.

2006: With the User experience algorithm the companies such as Twitter Facebook and Netflix utilizes artificial intelligence for their advertisement.

2010: The first gaming hardware online to track body launched by Microsoft the Xbox 360 translated into gaming direction.

2011: A program name what son was created by IBM and NLP computer program won against to former champion in a televised game, also Apple released Siri the popular virtual first assistant.

With the new technology developed and the advancement in the programming languages which created a boom in the smart technology world, brought up with the new virtual assistant search engine and which grew with the ideas of deep learning and big data.

2016: the well-known Humanoid robot named Sophia, became the first robot citizen, which was famous for her human appearance and the ability to see and replicate humans with conversation was developed by Hanson Robotics.

2017: two AI chat programmed by Facebook that learns how to navigate and went back and forth ended up with forgoing English and creating their own language automatedly. Visit talkie-ai to get more information about AI chatbots.

2020: a model of deep learning open AI started testing chat GPT to create code poetry and other languages almost of every kind indistinguishable from those created by humans.

2021: Artificial intelligence stepped forward with open AI development DALL-E, which can process and understand images in the futuristic visualizing world.

In this era, the AI system is designed and trained with specific automotive programs, which can handle their own decisions making power in various fields like Healthcare, Finance, Transportation, Entertainment, and manufacturing the combination of computer science electronics mechanical engineering, and artificial intelligence created new branch of Robotics which is capable of doing many strengthen works services in customer service agriculture and are able to handle Complex data structures and algorithms to navigate their surroundings and dynamic environment.

which leads to the continuation of research and discussion about the implementation and implications of artificial in developing the benefits from potential risks.

“Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history. Unfortunately, it might also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks.”

– Stephen Hawking

Choosing A Career in Artificial Intelligence

Choosing a career in artificial intelligence and robotics help you in understanding the future stick goals and aspirations the interest in decision-making and programming, and the new algorithms in working with the development of the sensors and mechanisms in helping the human world ease complexities.

The specific fields which come under the category are human-robot interaction and machine language which are dynamic fields, in the continuation learning of the new development.

board the theoretical and the practical application helping to solve real-life problems with the fundamental knowledge of artificial intelligence.

The more gained in practical experience the more the job at hand, collaborating with the expert working on the project will build a professional network that helps in career goal development.

If you are interested in showing your skills in advancing technology and making a positive impact on society this is the better field for you.

Concept and Techniques in artificial intelligence:

Natural language processing(NLP): enables the computer to understand and generate human language to interpret the applications and translation such as chatbots.

Autonomous system: automation in the technology in developing drones and industrial robots and the parts in the vehicles’ operating system independently with minimum human intervention.

Expert System: programs that can make the decision-making abilities speech and tech problem abilities of experts in a particular domain.

Computer Vision: information from the world Ability to understand and interpret the images and videos facial recognition and detection of the object in this field.

Machine learning: a technique to supervise the Learning and make the prediction that a computer can learn with the expectation of artificial intelligence in developing algorithms.

Robotics: algorithms that can perform tasks automatically equipped by artificial intelligence that can include tasks like decision-making and movement.

Deep Learning: with the function of human beings inspired by machine learning artificial neural networks are highly successful in tasks like image and speech recognition.

Futuristic goals

The complex models balancing the automation with minimizing the risk in the system developed and used responsively, ongoing research is contributing to the Future development of society, understanding its limitations and capabilities artificial intelligence is rapidly evolving in the future, it will need to the more growth in the milestones and breakthrough in the Machines stimulating human intelligence. meta world as a new concept in knowing the other virtual worlds will be creating a virtual world of new advancement. We can never predict the future but with AI we can talk about the possibilities of changes and evolution in the workforce creating jobs in the automatic sector and much more.

“The key to artificial intelligence has always been the representation.”

– Jeff Hawkins

By: Ankita Meher

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