Air Pollution and Its Effect on Human Life

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India is the top ten city in air pollution.  Delhi has been occupied.  Varanasi, Noida, Ghaziabad, Agra participated in the counter-occupation.  According to the Air Quality Index, these cities are in the range of 1-5.  But to maintain physical fitness, Index 1 should not be higher.

 In Delhi, the visibility of the smoke in the morning is 5 meters.  Come down  Then the train movement was interrupted.  Many trains run too late, many trains are canceled, train routes in many parts of northern India have to be changed.  The school has to be closed for the deadly pollution of the air, so that children do not get out of the house.  Floating in the air  Special particles are said to concentrate and reach toxic levels.  If breathing is difficult, it can make the rats sick.

  ‘Delhi government has to introduce special list of vehicles for pollution control.  Of the car number.  The formula for ‘pair’ and ‘odd number’ is created on the basis.  .  One day, the cars of the ‘number’ will get in the way, and the other day the ‘odd’ cars will get the chance.  Sure, two wheels.  The cars were kept out of control.  This is the list.  Despite the introduction of pollution levels, it is possible to create special fonts.  Did not  So it is thought that the diesel powered cars are fifteen.  Shipping will not be allowed if the year is full.  .

  Smoke emitted from diesel powered cars.  Either way, the level of air pollution is very unusual.  Farmers are part of the abandoned crop in the field, which is also one of the causes of air pollution.  Delhi’s government and pollution control bans it every year, because the bet during the Diwali is under way, and pollution increases.  By disobeying that directive, the common man joined the festival of betting.  If there is negligence in trying to be aware of the pollution that endangers life, human beings are inflicted on the ruling rage, it is only the people who suffer.  If people become interested in curing illness for a lifetime to enjoy the joy of a few hours.  To prevent pollution in any way with any law.  The government and the pollution control board cannot.

   India and Sri Lanka were victims of pollution in Delhi.  Cricket Players.  The two-nation Test match at Firaz Shaw Kotla showed that the gamers were unable to play properly to get physically ill.  A Sri Lankan playwright has to vomit.  One day it had to be stopped for twenty minutes.  Sri Lankan gamers have objected to playing in such dire contamination.  But the game did not have to be abandoned rubbing.  Of course, the level of pollution will not be difficult for gamers to play.  It was not possible to make a clear decision on that, though there was a tendency to re-think pollution.

  The whole world is embarrassed by the pollution problem.  Pollution has been created mainly to release greenhouse gas into the air.  The industry responsible for polluting the climate and raising heat.  Countries.  The United States and China are in the second position to occupy the greenhouse gas.  Air pollution in China has reached a point where Beijing’s sky is washed away.  Obsessed.  When it comes to the ground properly, the sun can not chase.  So that’s before the Beijing Olympics.  The government wants to remove the lining of smoke from the sky.  Had to take action.  The large factories around Beijing had to be shut down and removed.

It is important to adopt the ‘Le Carbon’ policy to prevent climate change and control pollution.  Jayaram, India’s representative, said this during a discussion on climate with the participation of delegates from 12 countries in Copenhagen a few years ago.  We will reduce the greenhouse gas emissions by 20 to 20 percent by 2021 compared to 20.

 It is not possible at this time to say how successful India has been in fulfilling those promises.  But central pollution control has become active in its role.  Coal is used in most power plants in India.  As a result, the coals – ash and washes out of the center.  The carbon that contains it increases the amount of air pollution.  For this reason, more attention has been paid to electricity generation in the non-traditional way.  Extensive efforts are being made to generate solar power, wind – electricity and hydropower.  Attention has also been paid to nuclear power generation.  But Russia and Japan have nuclear – power generation.  The horrific explosion that took place in the center has jeopardized the safety of public life, as did the air.  The effect of radioactivity has led to much contamination.  That is why the protests of terrorists around the Nuclear Power Plant have become important enough.

 Moreover, the emissions from the oil sheds create father contamination.  The Taj Mahal of Agra has been affected by the pollution.  Sad.  The black stains on the stones have ruined the beauty.  The methods adopted to control pollution have not been able to reduce pollution.  Closing the oil plant will reduce pollution levels, but it will not be possible for economic reasons to take that step.  .

 The city Kolkata is also subject to pollution.  Winter is not even seen this December, though it is ending.  Environmentalists do not want to be blamed for the low pressure, melancholy, and weak north breeze, which, according to them, is hindering the city’s paralogy for excessive pollution.  Due to the low level of pollution in the countryside, the feeling of winter is high.  Environmentalists are blaming air pollution for the heavy smoke that is emerging in different parts of the city.  They say diesel-powered cars are increasing pollution in smoke and construction dust.  One environmental scientist says heat from the soil is not completely radiating to carbon particles and dust in the air.  The thermal capacity of carbon particles is high because it absorbs heat.  As a result, there is a hot feeling in the air.  This is the ‘green house effect’, said Subrata Midya, a professor of meteorology at Kolkata University.  Rai Chowdhury, an electrical scientist at Jadavpur University, said that due to the excess carbon in the air, the ghetta is warming the world.  The same is happening in Kolkata.  As it continues, the climate will change.  .

 The fog started to fade when Raed got up, but the fog that was visible in the city recently was not easy.  The fog’s color is not just white, but dirty.  Carbon and dust mixed with water vapor make it darker.  Due to the constant heat absorption, the freezing of water does not cut off the freezing obstruction.  Pollution is consuming public life.  |

 The United Nations recently warned against adverse pollution, saying that Delhi and other major cities are flooded with new types of toxic fumes, and the harm that pollution is doing to them is to hinder children’s brain development.

UNICEF, the United States Department of Children, said that there are more than 8 million children in Asia who live in areas hit by severe pollution.  This pollution is 5 times higher than the mantra of being safe.

 India is at the top of the list of countries where children are at risk.  Then there is China.  UNICEF.  This report was published in a report.

  Satellite imagery has been used to determine the level of pollution around the world.  It shows that the number of children infected with pollution in the South Asian countries is 6.1 million.  This problem is increasing steadily in African cities.  Among the rages created by air pollution, are asthma, bronchitis, and other chronic rashes, such as shortness of breath.

  The truth that is becoming increasingly clear in scientific research is that pollution is dragging children’s lives and future in a risky way, the most affected are their developing brains.

 The significant part of the report is that there is a direct scrutiny of the brain’s ability to work with malnutrition.  Particularly verbal and non-verbal IQ, memory is slowly degrading.  Children studying in school are getting less marks than average, grade points are also decreasing.  Moreover, the nervous rage is suffering.  As more and more parts of the world’s aura are being transformed into cities without pollution control and security systems, the chances of children’s lives becoming endangered in the years to come will increase.  The predominance of fine particles harmful to city pollution can damage the process of separation of blood with the brain – it’s extremely soft coating that protects the brain from toxins.

 Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s nag are born in the skin of older people with this skin damage.  UNICEF Ara has come to the attention of the fact that the ultraviolet particles emitted from the magnet of iron are increasing the likelihood of contamination in the city.  These particles can easily enter the bloodstream.  It is extremely harmful to the brain because it contains magnetite.  It also has a connection with the unknown rag that is rapidly declining.

 Poisonous molecule-affected pollution adversely affects children’s interest in learning, impairing their memory, ability to master language, and mobility.

  Large parts of northern India and parts of Pakistan, in the corners of the world, became a full-blown arrow of intelligence f.  In China, the income of people in this city has dropped almost three times as much as the industry for polluting the air.  The government has therefore directed to reduce production volumes in order to get rid of the smoke crisis, but in India, progress is not worth mentioning.  |

 If children are not able to lead a healthy life, they will suffer.  If you suffer from the trauma to the distressed Bali, disaster will be hampered in the path of normal development of civilization. “

 The beginning of the first phase of the Delhi air pollution effort.  It was two decades ago.  Supreme Kart government and construction of cars.  The industry was forced to adopt new standards for fuel consumption and smoke emissions.  But the successful use of compressed natural gas was limited to passenger buses and auto-rickshaws.  In the second phase, the map of NASA satellite showed numerous reddish-brown gale spots in the grazing sites.  So the media was left out of the city to the rural areas.

Instead of taking appropriate steps, more emphasis was placed on determining the cause of the problem.  Despite the information  the fading situation of the day, there was a lack of awareness of the plight of the people, but little was done to end the internal disagreement over Delhi’s air pollution.  Delhi from the pollution swallow.  • In order to save the people of privileged elite communities, there is no role to play in the corner, but the farmers have to comply with government policy to provide food security and look at the conservation of ground water.  A curious thing is that the judiciary has repeatedly tried to protect Delhi’s environment, at the corners of elected representatives.

 There is no role.  Pragyan is a radical change for the artist.  The policy – to increase the tax on private vehicle sales in the non-vehicular areas of the Prayer Area, Bay – legally.  It is imperative to keep a car, to have a garage if you want to buy a car.

 Pollution has reached such a level that a political leader is forced to say that Delhi has now become a gas chamber, so the Parliament has moved to South India.  Should go  Leaders are thinking about their own interests, who will think of the common people?  Respiratory diseases are increasing rapidly for air pollution.  The death of such a reggae increased by 5 percent in 20 compared to 20.  Although the death toll is not known, the situation is extremely critical.  Delhi’s air pollution has reached a dangerous level on the first day of the New Year.  Kolkata is not far behind.  The index of air pollution from 12pm to 4pm on Sunday was 12, 8, 12, 6 and 9 respectively.  In the index েরাo parale, the level of air pollution is considered as dangerous.

 The Central Government should take steps in the wartime activities.  As a preliminary step, all unscientific development projects and construction works should be stopped immediately to improve air quality, said a Congress-MP in Laksa.

  Kolkata’s wind conditions are better than Delhi’s, but worse than Chennai’s and Mumbai’s.  Of course, air pollution.  The situation is increasing in Delhi, if it does not take action now.  It doesn’t take long.  Dust is one of the elements of air pollution in Kolkata.  It is thought to use a water tank to remove it.  Two years ago, the water carrier began to be used to control air pollution in China.  Water bodies have also been used in Delhi.

  The way to control hack pollution is to take initiative.  The Central Pollution Control Board, especially for children.  Pyaejon is pollution free – beautiful environment.

Article Written By :- HARISH CHANDRA KURMI



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