By: Deepika

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isn’t it common nowadays to hear, see, and witness an act of Misbehavement towards women? We always see our goddess and mother in womens but when it all goes when something like this happens?, While we always discuss and make reforms on topics like harrasment, Misbehavement but can we really say they are anyhow useful? We say our country is our of patriarchy but can we surely say it is? No! 

The act of violence against women is not only an attempt to oppress the females but also an act of demolishing human rights affecting millions of womens and girls around the world. Basically it’s a deep seated cultural norm and gender inequality that has a stereotype of supporting male domination over women and this is what summons various abuses, violence.

As per my experience growing up as a girl child in India I was lucky to get parents who do not have stereotypes like this but I have seen in my surroundings how this thinking has grown. Even some of our teachers were same having this aspect. The main moto is that to tackle these issues we have to strongly oppose and change these stereotypes and culture norms. We must educate our little fellows from the very start about basic human rights and equality. We must engage in promoting mutual respects between male and female from the very first, schools and communities should work together in educating both girls and boys about the importance of respect, consent and act of kindness towards each other. Eg- our sports teacher used to encourage girls to get engaged in sports which was encouraging and act of promotion and support towards girls growth.

I am not getting away from the topic, my aim is to present the root of the cause and it’s essential, if we want to finish a old disease fully we have to fight its root cause that’s how it will end. As a teen myself passionate about IR and diplomacy I myself understand the power of education for shaping our future. Education is one of the thing which can remove this mindset of dominance and violence, I am not only talking about formal education but also about lessons we get from our families, societies which nurture our thinking from our childhood if these things are positive and the base is strong I am 100 percent sure that we will never hear of any violence in future.

I remember the times I used to hear the typical discussions of my society peoples and other family members and their taunt towards my mother for making me self independent and aware but now I am very thankful to my mother that instead of listening to them she focused on my personal growth and attributes. The act of her is about speaking up when even no one is listening but what matters is the seeds that are grown through it and spreads the values in the surroundings.

My vision for the future is one where respect and equality are the cornerstones of society. This is not just a dream but a goal that I’m committed to working towards, both in my personal life and in my future career as a diplomat. I want to be part of creating a world where women can live without fear, where their voices are heard, and where their rights are respected. This cultural shift starts with each of us. It’s about the choices we make daily—how we speak to others, how we challenge discrimination, and how we support those who are vulnerable. It’s about raising children to see each other as equals, regardless of gender.. But most of all, it’s about each of us taking responsibility to create a world where women are valued, respected, and safe. Together, we can make this vision a reality.

By: Deepika

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