A Letter to a Depressed Soul

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Dear beautiful soul,

Hope this letter finds you in best of your day. I know the world is a tough place to live. Everyone seems to be running after materialistic stuffs. In our childhood, our world was confined within the little bliss of paper boats in brooks, yummy tiffin boxes, rhymes we all loved to sing along with our favourite teacher, the warm hugs of our grandparents and the promise of getting that special bicycle we always dreamt of on our birthday. Ah! those golden hassle free days!

    Our little happinesses gradually vanished.  Playing with paper boats no longer seemed to be alluring. Job interviews, entrance exams, percentages, grades, love interests, break ups, marriage, divorce etc. started haunting us in our dreams. Sometimes they became suffocating and we started losing our inner peace. Failures became common and those of us who couldn’t take it anymore fell into the clasp of a demon who used to smirked at us every time we failed.

   Buddy, let me tell you my story. After a series of personal and professional failures there was a phase of intense gloominess in my life. I was living in a different world. I completely lost the charm of my life. Scary and gloomy long nights, dull days and lack of positivity made me numb and I felt nothing good or exciting about my life. My grades were deteriorating, got involved in constant fights with my peers, spent a lot of sleepless nights crying my heart out and eventually fell into the grasp of the demon I was talking about, ‘Depression‘. Everyone around me was breathing and I was drowning into an ocean of nothingness.

  I am thankful to my father who understood the gravity of my situation and took me to a psychiatrist to whom I poured my heart out. He was kind enough to understand me and my condition. Months of medication and therapies later it was finally relieving to take that demon out of my head. After that phase, I gave a new dimension of my life. I started to appreciate my life more. Spent a lot of time with my family and hobbies and somehow kept myself engaged. Now after being out of that phase I feel myself lucky to have a better version of my life.

    Friend, from my bitter experiences I can tell you, if you are going through any such phase then please seek help. Kindly stop comparing your life with others. Everyone is born with  unique talents. Divert your energies to explore that talent of yours and be yourself. Most importantly, stay away from toxic thoughts. Depression starts with the negative you. Stop being that!

  Dear friend, I am glad to get over depression and now it is my responsibility to help those who are in need. With this letter if I can help even a single soul then I’ll consider my life to be a successful one. Take care!

With love,

One of your well wishers- Pranjal Pratim Das

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