A Great Story

By: Adil Sayyad

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[In an interview to be positioned as a member of the Student’s council – discipline captain of your school]

(Enters room)

Me – Hi , Nice to meet you all

My name is kartik and I am running for the post of discipline captain in the students council.

Interviewer – pleasure meeting you karitk,

I hope you are prepared for today’s interview.

Me – All set for it , sir !

Interviewer – Let’s get started then ;

what are your aims/goals as a discipline captain ?.

Me – If I somehow became the discipline captain of the students of our school then :

I would dedicate my time not to tell anyone to be quite,shut up,walk in the line or be disciplined but to keep myself as an example for them to be an kind,disciplined,humble,helping friend of theirs so that to urge them to be inspired by me. what I have learned from all these years being the quite student of the class is that the feeling or the personality of becoming disciplined cannot be embedded in someone by any means of force. It is always present In the minds of people but they are yet to discover it .Being disciplined does not mean being quite or silent but becoming perfect in any job assigned to you even if it be walking straight in a line.

Keeping my post aside and focusing on being a better member of the students council

I would always try to lend a helping hand to anyone under a problem. My duty wouldn’t be just to help the students itself but to fill in any gaps between students and teachers for better understanding and communication in the school campus.

Interviewer – What is the Meaning of discipline to you/your past experience ?

Me – Usually people misunderstand being disciplined with being quite or silent. But to me being disciplined is to be loyal to any work assigned to us. If I talk about myself then In the past few years I was the quite or silent kid of the class and most of the time I was appreciated by the teachers for not creating any havoc in the class. But soon I realised that there was no meaning to be quite or silent. I,personally had nothing to tell to anyone if they asked me why am I so quiet. so just in the previous year I realised that when I was at my home I behaved completely different from what i was at the school. In fact the turning point of my journey of seeking the answer to my own question was when I actually figured out that I had a lot of work to do at school and literally nothing at the home . So the fact that I was so loyal or dedicated to do the assigned or given work to me paved a way for me to avoid any extra hustle in my path to achieving my academic goals.

So to me being disciplined is obeying orders given to you respectfully,dedicatedly and in a way that you somewhat forget who you are for a while.

Interviewer – why a discipline captain ?

Me – There are many people that are suited for this job but what make me different from all of them is That I have personally experienced and have benefited from the effects of using discipline at its finest.

In the past few years what I have noticed and learned about discipline is that as if I compare non dedication/non loyalty towards ones work and disciplinary attitude towards ones work there lies a vast difference of academic excellence between them. You don’t need to be serious towards your job or duties to Exel in it but be sincere and get your deserved reward. With this belief I think I am capable of shouldering the responsibility of a discipline captain.

Interviewer – How would you make our school better?

Me – In terms of representing the school as a member of the council I would make sure to uphold the pride and reputation of the school at all time necessary by displaying my formal attitude and dedication toward this responsibility.I would at all times try my best to make this school better place for not only students but also teachers by frequently interacting with them ,keeping a note of each ones problems and trying to fix it at the lowest amount of time.

Interviewer – How will you handle academics with this responsibility?

Me – Currently studying in 10th grade with experiencing the boards for the first time and increasing amount of responsibility being laid on your shoulders with your increasing maturity ,studying for me has never been an issue to keep me away from any extra co curricular activities or any extra responsibilities. If I honestly say our school teachers are good enough to explain the topics in such a way that we understand and don’t even need to revise it.

So at any time before or even now I don’t feel like getting one more responsibility over my shoulders would rarely affect my academic scores.

Interviewer – Great Answer! Thanks for your time ; we would summon you upon further analysis of today’s interview.

Best of luck !

Me – Thank you

I appreciate it .

(Leaves the room)

By: Adil Sayyad

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