A Complete Guide to Planning an RV Road Trip in America

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If you’re planning a trip around the United States then you probably know how much goes into it and how much time and effort it takes. You have to figure out where to stay, the routes to get there, what to do, and how much money you need to budget for gas, food, campsites, and activities. You’ll want to map everything out beforehand so that when it comes the time, you’ll be prepared and ready to go. Here is a complete guide to planning an RV road trip in America!

Figure out your routes

 The first and arguably the most important step in figuring out your vacation is figuring out where you want to go and how you’re going to get there. Put together a bucket list of places that you’ve always wanted to visit and start mapping it out. If you’re completely lost on where to start, google RV destinations in the US. Once you have a route, it might be easiest to type it up, including the highways you’re going to use (you can use Google Maps to figure this out), and keep it close by on your journey. Staying off the main roads might lead you to some of the most breathtaking views of the country that you may not have gotten on the main highways.

Rent or buy?

 The next important question to ask yourself is if you want to rent an RV or buy. If you’ve had enough and you want to sell your house and live in an RV than go for it. The longer the trip you decide to take, the more you’re going to want to buy over rent. If you can only manage a week and you’re not looking to live the van life, renting might be a great option for you. Sit down and think finances. Look into rentals and buying and see what makes the most sense for your budget.

Download helpful apps

 We all have smartphones these days and they allow you to download apps that are extremely helpful when traveling. The weather app will help you be prepared for your upcoming destinations. GasBuddy will help you find the cheapest nearby gas if you’re looking to save a little money. Campground chains like KOA have apps too. They show you what campgrounds are nearby, what size rigs and hookups they’re set for, and if they take in-app reservations.

Keep planning to a minimum

 While this may seem contradictory to planning out your routes, you don’t want to over plan. Planning the route helps ensure a smoother adventure but one of the best parts of a cross-country RV road trip are the serendipitous surprises like meeting new locals and discovering hidden gems while out on a hike. You’re probably going to run into some small problems and that’s alright. That’s a part of life. From road closures to a flat tire to sold-out campgrounds, there’s a lot that can be irritating. When the inevitable happens, stay calm and roll with the punches.

Overall, there is so much that goes into planning an RV trip across the United States. And while you’ll want to be prepared and figure out your route, budget, and allotted time, the best part about RV trips is the freedom to go where you please as you please.


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