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How schools and other institutions of learning are being transformed through education.


Thus the social platforms as media was a discovery of the new age of digitalization that completely redefined the pattern of our interaction, communication and sharing information with each other. It is worth stating that, as a contemporary means of communication present in almost all spheres of society, social media also influences the process of education. This essay focuses on the possibility of social media to change the education: the advantages and the perspective, the problems.

The effect of social media to education is actually diverse and these comprise of the opportunities that can help in learning. Firstly, with the help of social media, education resources available can be enriched and can offer students next to unlimited numbers of videos, podcasts, and interactive materials. This can help students who hardly have access to quality education to be able to overcome all the barriers that hinder their education so that nobody is left behind.


Furthermore, through the help of social media, more students are also allowed to work with friends and teachers from other regions. Such may develop cosmopolitanism, multiculturalism, and friendship – all of which are crucial in today ’s interconnected environment. Social media can also be applied to project implementation; this integrates students’ practical skills of working in a group and acquire valuable skills in cooperation, as well as problem solving.

Nonetheless, equity and openness are also an issue with social networking. Every learner cannot afford to use the various social media platforms, devices or connect to the internet and this may compound existing disparities in education. These problem areas must be remedied for educators, aspiring educators, and students by providing antecedent tools along with current instructional and informational media to advance the interest and involvement of individual learners in the social media-enhanced learning environments.


In order to fully enjoy all the advantages offered by social media with the least possible number of negative repercussions, educators and policymakers should focus on media literacy and students’ digital citizenship. Currently, students are required to learn on how to obtain and use social media appropriately, analyzing information received and self-protecting. This ranges from the ability to teach students on matters touching on use of the internet, courtesy and features corresponding to critical analysis skills in a respective study area.

Moreover, social networking sites can enable actual uses of students’ learning experiences, in other words, to link with practice What is more, social networking cites can offer numerous opportunities for learning process making links between a subject material and practice. For instance, one can engage in online group discussions, debates and so on which promote critical thinking talents and innovation among the students.

Social media can also support the continuous professional development of education where teachers can be able to share with other teachers, get updated and share education resources. By bringing about effective organization and management, there is a chance to enhance the quality of the teachers, enhance students’ participation, and ultimately, create better results.


Also, through social media, the pupil can participate in other co-curricular activities which include online societies and groups. This can also foster the culturing of competencies among students including; leadership, teamwork and communication.

But, with the advent of social media the issues of privacy of students and their safety on the social networking sites also become a matter of concern. Teachers and professors have to make the students aware how they can safeguard their identity over social networks and how they can be safe.

In order to resolve these issues educators and the policymakers need to outline different rules of using social networks. This includes presenting the students with issues to do with online conduct, manners and thinking.

In addition, social media can be useful in gaining clients, and participating in community relations. Through social networks teachers can engage parents, business people and organizations in the school, to generate partnership for the children’s benefit.

Therefore, it can be stated that social media has a positive impact on the process of education and can bring benefits to schools without doubt. When the advantages and disadvantages are regarded, the supporters of integrating technology into education can ensure the usage of its opportunities for making the education system more efficient, inclusive, and intriguing for learners and educators. In conclusion, the integration of social media in education needs a multilateral management from educator, policymaker, parents, and students. In this way, only joining efforts, we can create a synergy and processes on the full potentials of social media for the purposes of enhancing education for the generations to come.


Also, it helps in global connection and sharing of cultures. Students can easily find and cooperate with people from different parts of the world, so the sense of culture and global responsibility appears.

Consequently, the future trends of the development of new technologies and innovations associated with the educational process indicate that social media will continue to be an increasingly influential factor. Teaching professionals in the education setting must be prepared and willing to change as pertains to the use of social media in a way that fosters the learning needs of students to deliver the best results possible.

Also, the integration of social media can present students with possibilities of social enterprise and advocacy. Students are able to use social media for creating awareness on various social issues, campaign and hopefully make a change.

Through social media, the teachers are able to establish a more efficient, flexible and enhanced system of education that caters for the needy learners and makes them excel. Undoubtedly, there are numerous opportunities social networks open in the sphere of education, and it is for us to reveal them.


All in all, the positive impact of social media for the change of education system cannot be overestimated. It is clear that the blessing and the curse are both inherent within technology’s capabilities, and taken in their proper context they can shape a better world for every learner.


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