World Vegetarian Day

By J. Vaisali

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Even more enormous people are making the move to healthier and eco-friendly living; vegetarianism is getting back in vogue. Because of this reason “October 1” in 1974 is marked as “World Vegetarian Day”. Additionally most of our favorite celebrities across the world are gradually giving up on meat/ junk foods for a well balanced way of life. As a result 1st October is watched annual basis to encourage the joy, kindness and life enhancing probabilities of vegetarianism and initiate “Vegetarian Awareness Celebration Month” year over year basis.

Origin of World Vegetarian Day:

At the outset “World Vegetarian Day” was established as a holiday formed in the year 1977 on October 1 it was created as a holiday to aid people understand how momentous it is to be a vegetarian & it is notably works as the start to VAM (Vegetarian Awareness Month). According to this month where people are promoted to learn about the value of being a vegetarian and how beneficial the lifestyle can be moreover this in turn can encourage a healthier lifestyle when it is used the correct way and to people’s gain enormous welfare.

History of World Vegetarian Day:

In the course of the year 1974 the “North American Vegetarian Society” was formed as a non-profit organization that shares details on how vegetarianism gains society and people in general and also the organization formed “World Vegetarian Day” during the course of the year 1977 and the holiday was sanctioned after a year by IVU (International Vegetarian Union).

Story behind World Vegetarian Day: 

One tiny interesting story behind it in “World Vegetarian Day” is a popular holiday for how it assists people to see what makes being a vegetarian so valuable and it allows people to get a crystal clear idea for Sea Moss Gel what makes the vegetarian style of living worthwhile and how person can keep fit & stay safe. Furthermore this comes as a vegetarian lifestyle can do more than just be one that supports animals besides it is also a lifestyle that may be advantageous to people’s health they lose weight and be in shape & keep sharp. Beyond it can stimulate a health giving way of life.

Vegetarian Day Activities: 

  • Don’t eat meat
  • Visit farmer’s shop to buy veggies
  • Share veggie foods to others
  • Provide veggies on Weddings

Ultimately a vegetarian way of living could hold the key to a healthier and happier life likewise “World Vegetarian Day” is an event that promotes persons to take a closer look at what makes being a vegetarian so valuable and boost them to see what they can do in order to stay healthy & safe and to evade junk foods/ meat. Plus it specifically gets people to figure out what makes living a vegetarian lifestyle and keep stay positive & healthy. In the course of the year 2018 “International Vegetarian Union” creates the theme “time to contemplate what we are eating” to celebrate “World Vegetarian Day” but in the year 2020 it was not celebrated because of the epidemic disease. On the report of “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” says if we want to reduce heart disease by 32%, cancer & stroke and save animals so must eat vegetarian food and balance pressure & cholesterol level.

By J. Vaisali, Tamilnadu

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