Women Empowerment Essay


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Each and every creature on this earth is precious. God has created everything with his own power. When he has given equal values to his creatures who are we to stop it? Who are we to discriminate between the gender in the society? Even today in 2022, we witness some parts of our country lacking in women empowerment. They have been still forced to stay at home inside the four walls. They are not left free to make their own decisions of their life.

Women are still dependent on their family. In today’s world, women empowerment is one of the most important topic to discuss. Women needs to become empowered in this modern era. At present, women can do every job which men can do.

Women empowerment is defined in many ways; it equates accepting and allowing women to take their decision, giving them education, and empower them to fly them as much as they can fly high towards success. It is a process which makes power in individual women, over their own lives, society, and in their communities.

Once they are empowered, they are ready to access the opportunities available to them without limitations and restrictions like in education, profession and lifestyle. Feeling entitled to form our own decisions creates a way of empowerment.

Women empowerment includes the action of raising the status of girls through education, raising awareness, literacy and training. It is all about equipping and allowing women to form life-determining decisions through the various problems in society.

Women empowerment economically increases women’s agency, access to formal government programs, mobility outside the house, financial independence, buying power. The main intention is to supply more formal education opportunities for ladies that might leave higher bargaining power inside home. They have the right to get more access to higher wages outside the house and as a result it will be easier for ladies to urge employment within the market.

Allowing women’s access to property inheritance and land rights is another method to empower women economically. This could allow them better means of asset accumulation, capital needed to deal with gender inequalities.

Often, women in developing and under developed countries are legally restricted from their land on the basis of gender. Having a right to their property gives women a kind of respect, power which gains more opportunities for economic independence.

Politics is one of the platform where the political empowerment supports creating policies that might best support gender equality and agency for ladies in both the general public and personal spheres.

By extending the support of women’s rights to vote, voice opinions, she will have the ability to run an office with a good chance of being elected. Because women are typically related to child care and domestic responsibilities within the home, they need less time dedicated to entering the labor market and running their business.

Participation isn’t limited to the realm of politics. It can include participation within the household, in schools, and therefore, the ability to form choices for oneself. Barriers add a major distraction in women’s growth. Many ladies feel such pressures by family , while others become familiar with being treated inferior to men. This should stop as it only leads to mental health disorder.

Woman should stand for her right. Today, we have seen several news headlines on rape of minor girl, sexual harassment at work, murder etc. What is wrong should be treated as wrong and one should punish for that cruelty incident. India needs to be developed in keeping the women safe 24*7. Well, some states have risen in awakening while others are still lacked.

According to Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam, “Empowering women is a prerequisite for creating a good nation. When women are empowered, society with stability is assured”. There is a saying “The doors of a school automatically get opened when a girl child studies”.

The strength of a woman is not measured by the impact that all her hardships in life have had on her; but the strength of a woman is measured by the extent of her refusal to allow those hardships to dictate her and who she becomes.” So, concluding the essay, one should make sure that, a women has an equal right as men. She can work, she can live a life she wants.

Nobody is allowed to interrupt her when it comes to her independence; especially the family members and the society. We need to support each and every girl, women, widow, old lady irrespective of any age, cast, community. If we prove this, then our nation may result in top one sector of women empowerment.


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