Will Robot Replace the role of the teacher?

By: Evananda Shinta Clarinfa

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Can robot technology replace the role of teachers in education today? The teaching profession is one of the professions that has an important role in human life. This profession is believed to continue to exist and will not be replaced by any technology. However, with the rapid development of technology, the discourse about whether robots will replace the profession of a teacher makes educators nervous.

Law No. 14/2005 on Teachers and Lecturers, among others, states that the duties of teachers or lecturers are to teach, direct and educate, as well as provide evaluation so as to develop the potential of their students. In educating students, of course, it must adjust to various things such as the characteristics of students and also the times in which these students grow. Smart teachers are expected to be able to adapt to technological advances in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 or towards 5.0 so that they can keep up with developments and not be left behind or crushed by the times.

This was also conveyed by the Secretary of the Directorate General of Teachers and Education Personnel (Ditjen-GTK) of the Ministry of Education and Culture, M Qudrat Wisnu Aji to Media Indonesia at the Ministry of Education and Culture office, Jakarta, Wednesday (17/10).

He said that entering the industrial revolution 4.0, teachers are expected to keep up with developments so as not to be left behind and crushed by the times. He also reminded that the duties and roles of teachers as teachers and educators are irreplaceable due to today’s rapid technological advances on the grounds that what teachers teach is humans as social beings and teachers have social competence.

The figure of the teacher has a sense of sympathy, empathy and compassion, and tolerance. While machine technology does not have social competence as mentioned above. This is where the role of the teacher is very strategic. Therefore, teacher competence must always be maintained and also honed.

Wisnu then continued that the task of teachers as educators is not only to teach, but also to guide, direct, motivate, and evaluate the learning process of their students so that the class becomes excellent human beings and successful in life. Therefore, teachers as educators must have four basic competencies as mandated by the law. The four basic competencies are pedagogical competence, social competence, personality competence, and professional competence.

The social competence possessed by teachers is expected to be able to bridge students in improving students’ social competence as social beings. It will be very dangerous if student character is not built and directed. It could be that students will go the wrong way later. Smart students who are not followed by good social character can harm themselves and others. So in addition to pedagogical and personality competencies, social competence for teachers is very important.

Why Robots Will Never Replace Teachers?

It is undeniable that some of the roles of teachers may be replaced by technology such as robots. However, there are several reasons why robots cannot replace teachers in educating students.

Teachers can interact naturally with students

 Although many robots have been developed with high “intelligence” and are said to be able to interact with humans, the type of interaction that can be done is of course very limited depending on the program given. Meanwhile, humans as social beings experience many processes that require different responses.

Through interactions with human teachers, learners can learn what empathy and trust are. Student-teacher relationships are very important in learning. Teachers can throw in a joke, or design a fun learning experience. If something goes wrong, the teacher also has the ability to find a way out. Unlike the robot that only works according to the program given.

Teachers Understand Human Growth

Teachers understand what it means to develop thinking skills, what progress looks like, and where and how to intervene when problems occur. Teachers have the experience and understanding to support and challenge students as they grow through childhood to adulthood.

Teachers also understand how to develop social skills and empathy in young children as well as help them learn to read and develop number sense. Teachers’ experience allows them to understand not only how the brain works, but also how students’ psychological development changes with each developmental period.  Teachers’ ability to provide emotional support and boundaries that will help children become thriving adults in the world of tomorrow is something that robots cannot do.

Teachers are a Source of Inspiration

Teaching is about inspiration, not just information. Effective teaching focuses on the why and how, rather than the what, with the aim of sparking the imagination and finding bridges to learners’ hearts and minds.

Teachers must be able to inspire their learners and inspiration cannot be programmed. Robot teachers may not be able to create conditions that arouse students’ curiosity and passion for learning.

Artificial intelligence may be able to replace some of the teacher’s tasks such as computers can provide information, can calculate, project, and even be a tool for human interaction but at the end of the day, technology cannot truly be a human being who treats students or learners like humans.

Well, Smart Teachers need not worry about being replaced by technology. However, do not be antipasti with technology. Utilize the technology that has been developed as a tool to carry out the task. By cooperating with technology, Smart Teachers will be able to become a shining teacher.

Teacher is able to foster curiosity

Teachers are able to foster learners’ curiosity about all the possibilities in the world. Teachers can show learners the world and demonstrate that learning has no limits. One of the teacher’s tasks is to broaden learners’ horizons. Teachers can provide a wide range of knowledge, so that learners can understand what they already know and what they don’t know about the world.

By: Evananda Shinta Clarinfa

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