By: Nilanjana Mallik

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Do you find the speed breakers on the road irritating? Do you feel disgusted with the bufferings in between your favourite Netflix show? Do you get disturbed in any kind of interruption between the most interesting gossips with your gang? Do you want to know what to do in coober pedy? Do you think the tagline of the Kitkat advertisement “Take a break” is right?

We love the tiffin break or lunch break in our schools or offices, we love holiday breaks, we love coffee breaks in between a meeting – so what is so special about the breaks we love and what we find irritating!

If we consider breaks as an interruption as a disturbance to our flow; then those breaks are irritating however, the breaks which refresh our mind and body, we love those breaks. As we refresh or reboot our electronic devices; a small break gives us the energy and a holiday break gives us the much needed heavy dose of fuel to run through out the year and work efficiently.

Now the question forwarded to us starts with a “Why”; hence it is already assumed the statement to be correct and we only need to provide evidences and arguements to support this belief. Firstly, we need to investigate about the necessity of having a break before starting anything new.

6 to 8 hours sleep is enough for our brain to run optimally, you may justify this saying you deserve a holiday break after all the hardwork but what is the deciding factor in choosing the destination.

The earth completes one revolution around the sun and it again starts doing the same ; the earth never stops and it should not otherwise we will not be able to ccelebrate another new year party. you crave for a break when you do not like what you are doing or if you are exhausted.

When you take breaks new leads are being queued in your pipeline. Moreover, it takes sometime to beat the holiday blues and kickstart after the holidays and the aftermath can be extremely stressful.

On the other hand, holidays are necessary to refresh our mind and to rejuvinate our bodily functions to get better results and it boosts happiness to kickstart a whole new year with so many new responsibilities, duties, hopes, resolutions, vows, promises and goals. Taking a holiday break does not make you appear less committed towards your jobs; studies have shown that people who utilise holiday breaks have lower stress, less risk of heart diseases, a better outlook on life and more motivatiion to achieve goals.

Sometimes, forgoing your holiday time can actually be damaging to your career in the long run. Holiday breaks recharge our batteries and they offer you the time to relax,rest and step back and take a stock of your personal life , your needs, and your desires. A change in the environment unwinds the mind.

A new year is special for every individual with new targets to achieve and and to add values to our lives. So it is necessary to have a break before the new year to nourish our personal relationships and to display self love. A holiday can be even more rewarding when it is used to volunteer to create a significant difference in life and make our every dreams come true.

By: Nilanjana Mallik

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