Which ERP System is the Best for School Management?

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It’s the age of gadgets and technology and so naturally you either learn to use them or you get outdated along with the old systems and gadgets. Life was going plain and simple until the lockdown came upon us. Adapting to the new normal brought to light the new changes that people now needed to make to their lifestyles and ways to keep up with current times.

Using computers and laptops is no longer an additional skill but a necessity. Online payment apps and trackers are as common as cash payments on the spot. Things have changed for the better and technology is heavily involved in all aspects of our life.

From waking up to going back to sleep, life is all about going from one gadget to another throughout the day. One such item of the requirement that has become a necessity is school management software, an ERP.

What is an ERP?

Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP, is a software built for keeping a track of activities and events. When we go to restaurants, we see the main computer that has the details of all the empty and filled tables, bill amount of each table, order history, etc.

Similarly for school management,there are these softwares that take care of many aspects related to a school. Marking attendance, tracking progress, acting as a database, storing fee payments and many other such tasks can be executed with this software.

How to choose the best ERP software for a school?

A great ERP needs to have certain qualities to be referred to as the best. Everyone wants the best for themselves and here is how a school can look for the best software for their use.

  • Multi-purpose

A good ERP system needs to be able to pull off multiple tasks. It should be able to record attendance, store marks of the students, note the progression of kids, provide storage for fee records and extracurricular activity details of the kids. Apart from this, there are a lot of other things that the system needs to be capable of handling.

  • Connect the parents and teachers

Pre Corona times there were parent-teacher meetings that had our parents struggling to get to school by taking out some time from their busy schedules. But with ERPs, this problem should go away as gold software would have the quality of building a platform for teachers and parents where they can virtually keep each other updated about the kid.

  • All details in on place

Henry Ford said that the company needs to be centralized so that the working becomes easier and smooth. The ERP can hold all the details regarding the school and various people related to it in one place. This data can then be accessed by all the people concerned via the software and thus, the storage and accessibility become easy even for the bulkiest of data bits.

  • Easy to use

No matter how much better a gadget or technology is, if it’s not easy to use then it will not be used. Similarly, an ERP needs to be simple to use. If the software proves to be a challenge to understand and use, then it is only making the task even tougher. Thus, a great ERP is the one that comes with an easy-to-use interface.

Concluding Thoughts

Any ERP that has these basic qualities is pretty much a good deal for any school. Two other things to make sure about ERPs are, one it should be affordable and second, it should be able to connect and share data with other software if need be. If all of these qualities get a tick then the buyer can be happy and worry-free about their purchase.

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