What’s Womanish Commission?

By: Syeda Alisha Fatima

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Women’s commission can be defined in veritably easy words that women come important by which they can take every decision related to their life themselves and live well in family and society. To empower them to achieve their true rights in society, women commission.

Why is women’s commission demanded in India?

As we all know that India is a patriarchal society where every field of man is snooping with plutocrat and women take responsibility only for family and also there are numerous restrictions. Roughly 50 percent of India’s population is only women, it means that this half-way is demanded for the development of the whole country, which is still not strong and is bound to numerous social restrictions. In such a situation, we can’t say that in the future, our country will be suitable to grow without strengthening our half population.

However, men and women themselves, If we want to develop our country also it’s important that women commission be encouraged by the government. Women’s commission was needed because there was gender inequality in ancient times and manly dominated society. Women were suppressed by their own family and community for a number of reasons, and numerous kinds of violence took place with them and demarcation in the family and society could be seen not only in India but in other countries. For the women, ancient and old traditions have been shrouded in new rituals and traditions since ancient times.

In Indian society, there’s a tradition of worshiping women’s ladies in the form of a mama , family, son, woman , but this doesn’t mean that the need for development of the country will be fulfilled only by worshiping women. Its necessary moment that half the population of the country i.e.,women should be commission in every area which will be the base for the development of the country.

India is a notorious country which has proved the expression of’ concinnity in diversity’, where people living in different persuasions of Indian society live. Women have been given a different place in every religion, helping people continue their numerous big wrong conduct( physical and internal) in the form of a large curtain covering the eyes of people and for numerous times as a part model is.

Ancient Indian society was the practice of Sati, megacity bridegroom system, dowry practice, sexual violence, domestic violence, payoff of gravidity, screening practices, sexual exploitation at work place, child labor, child marriage and devadasi customs, along with other discriminating practices.

This kind of mischief is the cause of patriarchal society and manly superiority psychology. Social political rights( freedom to work, right to educationetc) were fully banned by manly family members. Some bad practices against women were removed by the people of open studies and great Indians, who raised their voices for differencing against women. Because of the constant sweats of Raja Ram Mohan Roy, the British were forced to abolish sati practice. Latterly, other Indian social liberals( Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Acharya Vinobha Bhave, Swami Vivekanandetc) also raised their voices for women’s uplift and fought hard.

In order to ameliorate the condition of widows in India, Lord Chandra Vidyasagar started the Widow Remarriage Act 1856 with its constant trouble. In the once many times numerous government has created and enforced several indigenous and legal rights to remove gender inequality and bad practices against women. Still, to break such a big content, everyone needs constant support, including women.

The ultramodern society is more apprehensive of women’s rights, which redounded in numerous tone-help groups and NGOs working in this direction. Women are more open-inclined and breaking social bonds to gain their rights in all confines. Still crime is going on contemporaneously. There are certain Acts passed by Parliament to empower women with legal rights- An Equal Remuneration Act 1976, Dowry Stop Act 1961, Unethical Trade( Prevention) Act 1956, Medical Termination of gestation Act 1987, Child Marriage Prevention Act 2006, Gender Testing ways( Prevention of Controller and Misuse) Act 1994, Women’s Sexual Abuse Act 2013 at Work.


In order to bring women commission in verity in Indian society, it’s necessary to understand and remove the main causes of bad practices against women, which is the patriarchal and manly influence system of society. It’s necessary that we change old thinking against women and make changes in indigenous and legal vittles. 

By: Syeda Alisha Fatima

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