What is an essay proofreading service?

By: Anusha Srivastava

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What is proofreading?

Proofreading is the revision of a galley proof or an electronic copy of a publication. This is done with the intention of finding and correcting reproduction errors of reproduction of text or art. It is the terminating step in the editorial cycle before publication. Fixing minor spelling and punctuation errors, typos, formatting issues and inconsistencies are integral to proofreading. 

Proofreading services 

Professional proofreading services exhibit a wide range of services at the disposal of writers. It includes reading and reviewing documents so as to eliminate technical errors such as spelling, punctuation and other typos. It also ensures that the content in the essay is logically and rationally presented. These services allow reviewing of the matter and ensure clear and concise content. Repititive language and poor word choices are eliminated. 

Features of proofreading services 

  1. Effective proofreading is an essential for producing high quality documents, both professional and academic. 

2. Grammatical and numbering errors are checked,

3. Inconsistency in document format is eliminated,

4. Punctuation marks are reviewed,

5. Poorly structured paragraphs, capable of establishing a communication gap are re-written,

6. Errors in sentence structure is worked upon,

7. It makes the essay apt for communication with the target audience, 

8. It provides directional inertiae in text bereft of it,

9. Gives an overview to the already written document.

Importance of proofreading 

It is very essential to proofread an essay before submission ay any level. Any write-up cannot be rendered “complete” without completion of this step. It allows the writer to check whether or not all the essential components have been incorporated in it. Another advantage of undergoing this step is that any little or unnecessary errors are ironed out in the final essay and the writer becomes more confident about zeroing-in on the essay. 

Proofreading yields a “perfect” essay which establishes credibility about the writer in the minds of readers. Even presentation of any written material plays a role in overall assessment and impact of the same, proofreading gives an opportunity to work on that as well.

A lot of people underestimate the importance of this step, primarily due to deadline constraints. However, they forget that this is the step which might enable a seemingly average essay become a great one and skipping the step might also inhibit a potentially extraordinary essay be capable of leaving that kind of impact.

Effective proofreading very important to  high quality documents. When done correctly, carefully. and thoroughly it can create a difference between a piece of writing that well connects with its audience and the one which does not. No author creates a perfect text without reviewing, reflecting and revising.

Demands of proofreading services

As people have started realizing the importance of proofreading, several businesses have blossomed on these lines. Many websites like Upwork, Scribendi, Scribbr, Paperwork offer the services. They usually specify the cost involved per word.

Documents such as e-publications, journals and reports, that is the ones which do not require typesetting process are charged in accordance with the time and efforts invested by the “author editor”. Along with time and cost pressures felt by freelancers, businesses and self-publishers, demands for one-stage reading and copy editing services are increasing day by day. It also tends to exist outside the realm of traditional publishing, usually involving single stage of proofreading. 

Some reliable proofreading services:

1. PaperTrue

· It is an online proofreading and editing service that works with clients and students all across the globe,

· Expert in substantial levels of the job

· Approximately, a document of 1000 words, with a turnaround period of 24 hours might charge one $36

2. Scribendi

· Scribendi’s inception has crossed 23 years and their services lure a wide range of writers,

· Fast services 

· A document of 1000 words with a turnaround period of 24 hours might charge around $38.61

3. Get Proofed

· Fast, affordable and effective proofreading services provided 24*7

· A Word Document of 1000 words might cost around $35

4. ProofreadingServices.com

·  A team of expert people who proofread and edit

·  Worked with 10000+ Clients in over 100 countries 

·  A 1000 word document might charge around $37.96

5. Proofers 

· Along with proofreading services, other services like document formatting, plagiarism check and copy-editing

· A 1000 word count essay might cost around $6.99

Proofreading symbols and abbreviations

The process of proofreading used a lot of symbols and abbreviations to represent the errors or changes that exist in the writing that need to be made to fit in the conventional standards. Abbreviations tell the kind of changes to be made in the text. Fore eg- SP- spelling error, Frag- Sentence Fragment etc.


For authors who aspire for perfect grammar and consistency in their scripts, proofreading is a non-negotiable necessary step to be attempted. It will prevent any substantial language and communication gaps.

By: Anusha Srivastava

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