Violence violence violence 


Domestic Violence young woman cuddling cat on couch
Domestic Violence
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Violence is of many types:

Physical violence 

Emotional violence 

Cultural violence 

But the most dangerous violence is women violence…. Violence can be because of social economic inequality. Lack of education and resources. Mental health issues 

Historical operation. To physical violence there may be physical harm or deep injury or it can also affect mental health badly. The most common reason behind women violence is  patriarchal society. Women become helpless due to this society is also favor in women violence they consider it man’s arrogance or men hold on his family this might be can be resolved if women become economically independent or the complete patriarchal society to their career education is the most important pillar of resolving women violence without education women violence can never be resolved there should be strong law against women violence and damage to mental health women become dependent on man of the family because of lack of education support for service for victim must be there in our constitution community based initiative or some NGO must take place in the society to abolish the women oriented crimes. Violence also affect the respect of women in the society and this must be abolished our society has to change the to the needs of the women or we can say removal of patriarchal society. This will help increasing women respect and awareness towards education as the become educated their able to complete patriarchal society and can also make their own NGOs to resolve this is issue permanently

There should be some initiative through government like helpline number aur women police who can relate this issue comfortably with affected women through this women can become independent and can make there mental health good and can also become free from physical harm mental violence harm the  respect

Laws Protecting Women’s Rights

  • The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act (2005): This law protects women from domestic abuse, including physical, emotional, verbal, and economic harm 
  • Criminal Law (Amendment) Act (2013): This amendment expanded the definition of rape and increased penalties for sexual offenses 
  • Preconception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques Act (1994): This law prohibits sex-selective abortion and regulates prenatal diagnostic techniques to prevent female feticide .
  • Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act (1956): This law aims to prevent human trafficking and forced prostitution.
  • Dowry Prohibition Act (1961): This law prohibits the giving or taking of dowry, which is often a factor in domestic violence and dowry deaths

Recent Initiatives

The Indian government has also launched initiatives to support victims of violence, including the National Commission for Women and the One-Stop Crisis Centre scheme. However, despite these efforts, violence against women remains a significant issue in India, with many cases going unreported or unpunished 

These women’s rights help in increasing women’s respect and safety in the society as a whole. At the end , it can be quoted that 

रुख मोड़ दे आँधी का वो, तुम अधिकार तो देते ।। नारी बिन इस दुनिया में जीवन का कोई भी प्रकाश नहीं। नारी है तो सब कुछ है, शायद तुझको विश्वास नहीं।। इस दुःख भरे संसार में, फिर प्यार की कलियाँ खिले।


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