Urbanization and Sustainability: Can Megacities Become Eco-Friendly?

By: Hyeju Ha

Urban Urbanization
Urban Urbanization
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Urbanization refers to changes in urban lifestyles as the population is concentrated in city areas. More specifically, it indicates the process of increasing the proportion of the population concentrated in urban areas among the country’s total population. Whereas the rate of urbanization is low in rural areas, which are in the primary stages, the population has moved to cities and is making rapid progress.

Population movements to cities continue, and several citizens are being scattered from considerable cities to other cities. An S-shaped urbanization curve represents this stage of urbanization. Consequently, huge megacities are emerging, which refer to cities with an enormous population of over 10 million. 

The notion of megacities has existed since ancient times; however, in modern times, they have developed rapidly since the 20th century. Advances in urbanization and industrialization led to the emergence of megacities, and early megacities are now landmarks. For instance, cities such as New York, Tokyo, and Shanghai.

As an economic hub, these cities were able to grow into megacities through rapid urbanization and innovative urban planning. The characteristics of megacities are their scale and density of population. Megacities nowadays can be characterized by dense environments of skyscrapers and countless residential complexes.

Furthermore, the headquarters of global companies, financial centers, and more exert great influence. Megacities are widely accepting of diverse cultures and lifestyles. They are focused on the coexistence of cultures and ethnic groups from all over the world. People are dreaming of a future city of sustainable urbanization.

Megacities are further developing with a focus on sustainable urbanization, and it is also necessary to discuss whether they can grow into eco-friendly towns. Urban planning should be constructed by exploring methods to harness renewable energy to make environmentally safe cities and reduce energy consumption and environmental pollution. Factors such as green building design, adoption of renewable energy, and efficient public transport systems are essential. For the eco-friendly future of megacities, there are two effective solutions to address the challenges of modern megacities. 

To begin with, using environmentally safe energy is expected to increase to reduce greenhouse gasses. To raise the energy self-sufficiency of megacities, the outer walls of all buildings are used as solar panels. This method is called the Building Integrated Photovoltaic System (BIPV). This could reduce costs as an alternative to renewable energy sources and increase the use of small reactors. With this method, people can power urban infrastructure dispersed in each area. People can utilize mobile devices and electric vehicles that do not require charging as well. 

Furthermore, the combination of power grids and IT, known as the Smart Grid, will transform the energy systems of entire cities. In the Smart Grid’s system, solar power generation and electric vehicles can exchange insufficient electricity, enabling efficient energy utilization. Electric cars are expected to be the primary mode of transportation for the eco-friendly megacities of the future. They will be environmentally safe and serve as energy storage to retransmit power.

Moreover, the sustainability of megacities must be considered from a social perspective. Methods that promote population diversity and social inclusion will contribute to social stability and development within the city. For instance, a socially sustainable megacity can be built by implementing programs that improve living conditions and promote social equality for the poor or vulnerable.

Services that eliminate energy inefficiencies in buildings and increase the safety and convenience of residents, called Building Management System (BMS), will be a way to build socially sustainable megacities. 

Megacities are a social phenomenon arising from the trend of urbanization. The development of current technologies for future megacities may enable more giant megacities through the above solutions. The government should strengthen the public transportation system and promote eco-friendly transportation to support electric vehicles and public transit.

Plans should be implemented to reduce unnecessary energy consumption by promoting energy-efficient buildings and infrastructure and to increase the energy efficiency of buildings by facilitating the introduction of solar power and renewable energy. 

In addition, sustainable urban planning should be established and implemented for greener megacities. For example, it is essential to minimize resource use and create an environmentally safe urban environment by considering the layout of green buildings and public facilities. To reduce resource use and create a greener urban environment. In addition to these methods, the world can make more advanced and eco-friendly megacities by Building Integrated Photovoltaic Systems (BIPV), Smart Grids, and Building Management Systems (BMS).

By: Hyeju Ha

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