“Life is too short “, you must have heard it and this pandemic thoroughly proved this saying but decades ago life wasn’t short as now and the reason was people’s healthy lifestyle, at that time people were not busy and stressful but in today’s hectic life, we are so much engaged in our work that we don’t have time to talk mannerly, to eat properly and to sleep silently. We prefer oily and spicy food that are affecting our body day by day. Stress became a part of our life, we need to be cosy and relax so that we can live a healthy life so here are some tips for a healthy lifestyle:-
Inner Cherishness
We use lots of moisturizers, creams and lotions to have glow on our face but these stuffs are temporary but if we are actually happy and stress free so that happiness will seem on our face automatically in the form of glow and that’s called natural beauty. And that make your body fresh and disease free. Because we don’t need any type of accessories to make our facehappy, we just want a “cheerful kit” in our life that includes joy, good spirits and a contented way to live our life. And real beauty isn’t in makeup or in beauty products but it’s in the way we see the world.
Do Handshake with Yoga
We all know about yoga and exercise and about it’s countless benefits for our body and mind but we don’t use them in our routine what we do, we decide to do it regularly but many of us leave it on it’s second or third day. But we don’t have to be sluggish, if we want to be fit and relax then make yoga your hobby not habit because it pours your soul. Yoga, exercise, morning walk, healthy lifestyle should be the part of our life. It makes us fit and physically and mentally strong. It controls our temper and it makes us young and vigorous whole life, it prevents us from health problems and gives us a refreshing lifestyle.
Healthy food is the best medicine
From how many days or months you haven’t eaten fast food or oily and spicy dishes?. Some of you would say ‘from a 2-3 days or from a week’. But we’ll have to realize that this kind of eating habits can effect your health and body as well. Nutritious food are really good for our body and it is easily digestive. Fruits, green vegetables and juices have enough proteins and vitamins for our body. So, instead of having cold drinks and unhealthy food eat proper food so that your will feel light.
Nature Beauty
We spend most of our time on mobile phones and that causes headache and depression. Instead of it, we should spend some hours with the blooming nature because it’s serene beauty will definitely make us relax and peaceful. If you don’t want to be a customer of doctors then stay connect with nature. Nature has enough power to keep you relax and tensed free. Over 100 studies have shown that being in nature makes us calm and refreshing. Let’s have some quality time with nature and make all the trees and plants our friends.
By: Anushika Gupta

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