The Valour Ous sailor

By: Ashia Mirza

Perspective Valour 2024
2024 Perspective Valour
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The Valour Ous sailor

Passing through her territory,
she sends forth her warning waves as to put wise about the looming hazard that awaited,
For doth anyone dare tempest her ineludible wrath.
In soothe my dear listeners,
Bold art those merry sailors,
for the wild heart they hath.
Weaving the beauty of valor each time as they raise their anchor as to glorify themself  and contemplate their yore of voyages the untold tales;
For she shows no quarter, hath no mercy
the seamen they play with death each time as they raise their anchor declaring a war knowing no boundaries
For they are well informed that a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.
Truly ,
“Ships in harbour are safe but thats just not what they are made for”.

By: Ashia Mirza

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