The Rise of Gig Workers in India: A Catalyst for Economic Change


COVID-19 India
COVID-19 India
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The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the world in many ways, especially in India, where it has had significant social, economic, educational, and traditional impacts. The pandemic dramatically changed the concepts of traditional activities, learning, commerce, and work. During this time, Artificial Intelligence (AI) played a pivotal role. Nearly all educational sectors shifted to online platforms, with traditional face-to-face learning moving to digital modes. Platforms like Zoom, Google Meet, and Telegram became essential tools for learning and communication.

The pandemic also had a devastating effect on the workforce. Many workers were laid off by companies, while others adapted by contributing their work through online means. This shift led to the emergence of a new mode of work: the gig economy. Gig workers are those who can select their tasks, set their own schedules, and change their work at will. Instead of traditional employees, they have greater elasticity and independence. This shift has reshaped the world of work, especially India, with individuals now able to choose their work based on personal preferences, rather than being tied to a specific employer.

Understanding the Gig Worker

A gig worker is an individual who works for various companies on specific contracts for a set period. They are also known as freelancers or independent contractors. Gig workers are attracted to this type of work because it offers flexibility in terms of time, meaning that anyone, including college or university students, can engage in it. This flexibility allows them to become financially independent, contributing to their families’ financial stability instead of relying on them for support. This leads to the empowerment of the worker and contributes to the economic growth of both the individual and the country, such as India.

In contrast, traditional companies focus on increasing their assets rather than liabilities. If workers do not meet expectations, companies may reduce their bonuses, salaries, or even fire them. Being unemployed can create issues within the family, society, and personal life. As a result, many individuals opt for gig work, either by choice or due to unemployment.

It is clear that everything has both pros and cons, and gig work is no exception. The pros include flexibility of time, meaning that gig workers have the freedom to choose when they work. They are also accountable for their own work; if a gig worker makes a mistake, they are personally responsible, unlike in traditional companies where the company takes accountability for errors. Additionally, gig workers are often hired based on their talent, such as in fields like graphic design. Companies must evaluate a worker’s abilities before offering them a contract. However, the cons include job insecurity, as gig workers are automatically let go once a contract ends. They also lack benefits such as health insurance, paid vacations, or bonuses, which are typically provided to traditional employees. Stress is another major concern, as gig workers constantly have to secure new contracts and meet deadlines. Furthermore, gig workers must pay their own taxes and cover work-related expenses, unlike traditional employees for whom these are often paid by the employer.

The Gig Economy: A New Frontier

Many students depend on their parents for financial support, while parents often work long hours to make ends meet for their children. Sometimes, this includes overtime, which may lead to stress, anxiety, and, in some cases, even suicide. If children support their parents financially, it can significantly strengthen the family structure. One effective way children can help is by engaging in gig work. By doing so, they not only invest in themselves but also contribute to the growth of the economy, particularly India’s economy.

Freelancers or independent workers often face the challenge of overworking to earn extra money. Unlike traditional workers, they have to pay higher taxes, which makes their financial situation even more stressful. Despite earning less, they end up paying more in taxes. However, millions of gig workers, by performing various jobs, play a crucial role in driving the economy. Platforms like Zomato, Swiggy, as well as freelance work in fields like graphic design and writing, are significant contributors to the gig economy.

Labour Rights and Regulations: A Call for Reform

As the gig economy is expanding, the need for several labour rights and regulations becomes increasingly urgent. Gig workers do not have the same protections right as standard employees receive, including minimum wage guarantee, health insurance, and retirement plans. The lack of rights and regulations are shaping gig worker to been exploited, abuse and harassment, akin to ship adrift at sea without compass. To cracking this concern, Indian government must take this issue in seriousness, various stakeholders, including labour unions, policymakers, and advocacy groups, are advocating for reforms to establish a safety net for gig workers. Countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom have begun implementing measures to ensure fair treatment of gig workers, providing a model for India to emulate. Establishing clear regulations can empower gig workers, ensuring they are not only contributors to the economy but also beneficiaries of its growth, potentially reducing the distress that can lead to tragic outcomes such as suicide.

The Future of Work: Embracing Transformation

As Mahatma Gandhi wisely stated, “The future depends on what you do today.” By acting decisively now, India can harness the potential of gig workers to propel sustainable economic growth. Looking forward, the future of work in India will be profoundly influenced by the gig economy. The demand for gig workers is expected to expand as technology develops, bringing with it both benefits and challenges. Adopting this transformation requires a collaborative effort from all stakeholders to cultivate a working environment that values and safeguards gig workers.

Educational initiatives aimed at equipping gig workers with essential skills and financial literacy can empower them to navigate the complexities of the gig economy effectively. Furthermore, promoting a culture of collaboration between gig platforms and workers can foster innovative solutions that benefit both parties. Gig platforms must conduct conference before worker start their work, conference can be online or offline but offline is prioritize.


The rise of gig platforms and worker in India represents a transformative shift in the employment landscape, offering both significant opportunities and pressing challenges. While the gig economy fosters flexibility and entrepreneurship it neglecting the regulations for gig workers, economic insecurity, lack of accountability by gig platforms. To ensure that the benefits of gig work are shared equitably, it is essential for Indian government to implement labour reforms that provide fair wages, access to social security, and job security for gig workers. India can fully utilize the gig economy and build a more sustainable and inclusive workforce by tackling these problems. As different counties are implementing measure rights, norms and values for gig worker, India must take a step forward for regulating their rights. It can directly affect to their growth and India’s economic too. 


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