The Library of Congress

By Jesin Sajan

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The largest law library in the world is the Law Library of Congress having many volumes more than 2.9 million. It includes one of the perfect collections of foreign legal gazettes in the U. S and world’s best rare law book collections. The Library of Congress possesses the largest limited book group in North America. This collection included the first printed book, The Bay Psalms Book. The library holds extremely rare books of children. The library displayed the smallest book and the largest book in the library with the oldest examples of printing in the world. The library has facilities to enjoy 17 million more visual images, especially the most comprehensive visual records of civil war as well as international collection of posters in the world. The library holds one of the largest repositories of traditional cultural documentation in the world, the most comprehensive collection of American music in the world, the largest collection of any one kind of musical instrument in the world, the largest collection of American-Indian music and spoken word, the largest collection of cartographic materials in the world, the largest collection of comic books in the world, most extensive newspaper collection in the world, one of the world’s largest and most diverse collections of scientific and technical information in the world and so on. The library has so many features and practical use in the digital world too.
The Library of Congress is the world’s best library because its importance doesn’t fade away even in the digital world as well as in future too. Because the library has so many records and it is considered as the image of pride to the world. The library has more significant than the specialities that mentioned earlier, the Library of Congress immensely contributed to the world’s digital library. So the library secured its position in the cyberspace. This expanded facilities and service of the library to all the people in the world. The Library of Congress welcomed voices of all people irrespective of national boundaries. The library creates many opportunities and spaces to the world for enrich their creativity by conducting programs that honour achievements like John W. Kluge Prize, Library of Congress Lavine/Ken Burns Prize for Film, Poet Laureate, Library of Congress Fiction Prizes, Gershwin Prize, Library of Congress Literacy Awards, National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature, Living Legends, the National Book Festivals and so on. So the Library of Congress is the best library in the world and a guiding star for many libraries in the world. The library shows that the relevance of the library doesn’t low even in the digital world. Many writers are influenced by the library and they produced wonderful literary products like The Library of Babel (short story by Jorge Luis Borges). Therefore, the Library of Congress as a world’s best library has a wider significance ever.

By Jesin Sajan, Kerala, India


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