By: Saswati Roy

girl नज्जो
THE GIRL नज्जो
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It’s 2 at night and we were a group of ten friends returning from Rahul’s reception party. Rahul is actually our college mate and we were supposed to halt at his place today but just after the reception the bride’s grandmother expired so all including Rahul had to rush there and we thought of returning back. 

So all of our destination was 4 hours journey from Rahul’s place and we thought to take the bolero so that we all fit in together. Mohit, Saksham and Nihar was supposed to drive in turns. So we all started off with music playing and we all girls ( Priyal, Sonal, keerti, Sohini,Karishma,Sameeksha and me ( swati)) were playing antakshaari and entertaining ourselves. It was a nice moonlight filled night and the soft breeze blowing over the glass panes was creating a beautiful rhythm in the ears. The area we were passing by was a picturesque area with dandelions tuning itself to the tunes of the soft breeze playing. The sound of owls chirping added a new charm to the peaceful night. I was lulled to sleep by the pampering of the nature and in my dazed state could hear the talks, songs of my friends. 

From Rahul’s place Mohit started driving and he drove upto a place called katali which was a journey of approx 1.5 hrs. Then Nihar took the seat and was driving playing a song ” The jahan jahan chalega” , here I should mention I just love this song it takes me to a different zone but all other girls were fighting with Nihar to change this song as they found it to be scary. So to avoid the commotion and protect my sleep I put my earplugs and played a song and slept. It was a smooth journey for the next 1 hour and I was actually dreaming of dancing in middle of the dandelions field. Suddenly there was a loud collective scream, I woke up with a start to actually trying to find out the reason.

The girls were as if mute by shock and even as I was asking they were just pointing a finger at something which I wasn’t able to follow. I reached out to Nihar to ask him why he stopped the car and where were we. He was just speechless and when I pulled his face towards me I found he was white with shock , his eyes were protruding as if he had seen something alien. Finding no answer I turned to see and i found we were at the tip of a bridge with half of the car hanging.

For the first time my heart skipped a bit. I turned around to find just water everywhere. I sat back and was asking about what exactly happened and how we landed up in such a scenario. Finally Priyal had the courage to speak and she told me as Nihar was driving through a highway he was stopped by a girl in rags asking to give a lift and Nihar agreed to help the girl but as he opened the door suddenly the girl started laughing and out of nowhere the entire area became cloudy and all became unconscious. When they gained consciousness we all were on the tip of the bridge hanging.

I suggested we all get down to actually see what was the matter. Nihar was in such a shock that he didn’t want to get down but we finally managed to bring him out and started looking out for the girl. We hadn’t gone too far my folks starting pointing out at something and screaming. I turned to look I saw the girl standing at a distance and laughing. We tried reaching out to her and suddenly poof she wasn’t there , suddenly she appeared again. Now I was confused what exactly was happening. So we decided to get hold of the girl or whatever it was. I was determined to find the truth today so I gathered courage and shouted out to the girl to come and face me.

At first she didn’t appear then after calling 5/6 times she appeared and stood behind me. I felt someone was watching me I turned around and suddenly she grabbed by neck. All my friends were shouting to leave me but she was hardening her grip more. I was choking, gasping for breath and in that half dead condition asked her why was she doing all these. I never did any harm to her. First she was in rage but she started crying back and loosened her grip on me. My friends started to scream and asked me to run away but I wanted to know the reason behind. I reached out to her in a friendly manner and asked her what was the pain she was grudging on. She turned to me with a most painful face and narrated her story.

” It started about five years back. We were a group of five close friends. One day they had planned an outing to katali and inspite of my saying no my friend Sunita kept on requesting me for the trip. So I finally agreed and we all enjoyed at that place, stayed for 3 days and were returning back. It was on this highway they stopped the car and the three boys whom I considered a friend were lusting at me. I tried to get down from the car but Sunita locked it from outside and went somewhere. The boys raped me taking turns, I was begging them to spare me, I was calling out to Sunita to help me but noone came to help me. Then they buried me live in the nearby jungle. From then onwards whenever I see a car with group of young boys and girls I kill them to take revenge. It gives my soul peace. Today I saw Sunita in you and tried to kill you.

Can you do me a help .I don’t want to kill more innocent people. I want to forgive all.To rest my soul can you burn my body. It is under the third tamarind tree in that jungle. 

We agreed and rushed to the jungle to find her body. We dug out under the tamarind tree and found her body. We took it out and gave her respectful goodbye which she deserved. Her soul was freed and after that we went to that highway many times never to find her again.

By: Saswati Roy

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