The Fall of An Apple: Changed the World

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The world is science, everything around us is regulated on the principles of science. Science is, as many people believe, indeed very complicated with various experiments and theories. In contrast to all the intricate scientific experiments, who would ever believe that a simple act of an apple falling from a tree could change the world! Well, it did change the world……

The story was set up in the late summer of 1666. It was a warm day; a scientist sat beneath an apple tree with a pensive mood, just when he happened to be accompanied by an apple which fell from the tree under which he was sitting. This simple act of nature resulted in various questions in his mind to ponder about. Why didn’t the apple fly up? Why didn’t it float? Why didn’t it diverge and why did it ONLY FALL DOWN?

He inferred that the force acting on the apple was the same force which keeps the moon orbiting the earth. This force is called the gravitational force which lead to the formulation of the famous Laws of Universal Gravitation that explains the force that helps us to NOT float and fly away! In better words: the force that binds us to the earth surface, the force that regulates the orbital revolution of planets around sun and moon around earth can be explained with this law of gravitation.

In reference to this well-known event, I think you guessed the scientist involved in it. It’s none other than the most influential scientist, mathematician, physicist, astronomer and theologian of all time – Isaac Newton. Born in the year 1643 on 4thJanuary was this legendary scientist, who changed the view of the scientific world. He is well known and remembered for his researches and discoveries in mathematics, laws of motion, optics and various principles.

Owing to the discovery of gravitational force, the apples now understand why they only fall down (under no force other than gravity), we understand how we manage to walk and run without floating in the air and the planets understand why they fail to get rid of the orbit around the sun! it was just a witty way to demonstrate the importance of gravity. In reality, it is now possible to measure weights and masses of different objects with ease, estimate the distance between the nearest object and the farthest planets and interpret the science behind the revolution and planetary movement of celestial bodies……all thanks to the discovery of gravity.

Did you know that one of the factors that give us heat is gravity. How? Gravity….we know that it pulls things together and acts as a binding force…right ? Thus, as it pulls things together, it produces pressure which in turn generates heat! Also, gravity ensures a safe distance of the earth from the sun resulting in a moderate temperature (compared to the other planets) that can sustain life on earth.

Gravity has not only become an aid for astronomical research but has a scope further beyond. The discovery of this amazing force has inspired and aided the scientists to uncover many more wonders.

By: Disha Chakravarty

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