The Dusk of a Year

By: Tanisha Maheshwari

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The mental headspace finally starts to relax and ease a bit, as everyone subconsciously realizes that the year is coming to a close. Ah! All the antagonizing efforts will finally pay off. The busybodies will finally cease to have a mediocre yet hectic work schedule. The children will finally be able to take a break from constantly studying. This holiday break before the dawn of the new year is of paramount importance in one’s life. We most definitely need a holiday break before we commence the new year. 

Holidays are a universal requisite as they provide the sense of satisfaction that now is the time we can sit on the couch, head laid back with no worries or burdens of the world, at least temporarily! The break before the year is a necessity as it gives us a literal break, an interim of relaxation from the hustle bustle of our daily lives. We can take one step at a time without any pressure. The workaholic men and women loosen up as they get a chance to explore things other than their work. All the children take up different activities and hobbies, that softly inculcate values and life skills in them and at the same time keep them preoccupied and busy. It is the only time during which we can do things as per our convenience.

The interval before the new year is a period of reflection and analysis of the deeds of the year and the milestones and goals achieved and, to be achieved. It gives us the time to reflect and realize where we have erred in the past and provide us with a second chance to not make the same mistakes in the future.

It gives us the time to figure out how we can improve ourselves in the game of life, what qualities we should develop. Recollect situations where we made mistakes and not consider it a stain in our life but use it to imbibe the right qualities. ‘New Year’s Resolutions’ is the common attempt of mankind to make a list of what they wish to achieve but before you know it, it’s down the drain and we are back to square one. Determined is the mind and soul of one that wants to achieve the goals. Goal preparing, list making all these activities have a positive impact on one.

A respite from the engaging daily routine, we are provided with vacancy and free time to pursue during our leisure time, activities that we like and were unable to do before. The burnout of the slogging months can be exhaled by taking up new activities in this span of time. Yoga, meditation, reading, dancing, cooking, singing, running, it could be anything at all.

The holiday break gives us time to take up items of our interests and to develop new hobbies and recreational interests that otherwise, were difficult to attain. A bountiful of values and life skills can be learnt, charity, NGO connections, social service all of which can be taken up. This not only brightens the giver but also the receiver. It is the medium by which we can detoxify and have a great time. 

The most important of all, we are given the opportunity to spend more time with our family and loved ones. It gives us the opportunity to reconcile with old friends, family members and spend time with them be it going for trips or movies or dinners or anything! In today’s technological and individualistic world, people have forgotten about the old days when in the absence of these gadgets there was spending time with family. So during this period we can set aside work and gadgets and strengthen our bonds with those around us. 

A break truly does break us away from all things that we worry about.  New year’s break makes us realize that all that had to happen, has already happened. It speaks volumes of how we have survived all the struggles with tenacity and courage. It is a reminder about the impermanence of events in life, how some bring joy, while others bring gloom but there is always a fresh start and it is never too late to begin again.

All the deeds can be termed as ‘the past’. It provides one with a clean slate. The opportunity to start new, start fresh. Everything that was wrong or not fruitful can be released. So a break also permeates the more philosophical side of life, giving us an insight into how we should express our gratitude for this year and all the things we have dealt with and learnt and carry all inspiring qualities, habits and stories with us into the future and more years to come.

By: Tanisha Maheshwari

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