The Biography of Rajiv Singh

By: Somdatta Ghosh

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Rajiv Singh was born and brought up in Motinagar, near Ghaziabad, Delhi. He belonged to a normal middle-class family where his father was a Service Engineer and his mother was a homemaker. He even had a younger brother and grew up happily with his family in his small home. During his childhood, youngsters like him didn’t have any access to social media or the internet.

The only source of entertainment for them was television where only one channel, door darshan used to come. Naturally, during his childhood, a lot of relatives used to turn up at their house but his mother was extremely strict when it came to studies. She always told her sons that they should focus on graduating from high school with flying colours.

He was a nature lover and particularly loved the mountains. He wanted to complete his graduation from a place where he could study amidst the hills. That is the reason why he chose to go to Jammu but to his surprise, it was all plain land there. The four years of his graduation were smooth but after that, the real challenge began as he had to hunt for jobs. It had been many days, and he kept on looking for a job but could find none. He went to one of his distant relatives, who was also a big name in the industry as well. Mr. Rajiv handed him his resume and requested he looks over it and sees if there is a job suitable for him. To his utmost shock, his relative just crumbled the resume and put it under the sofa.

This incident pierced his self-esteem like anything. He was unable to face his parents or even himself for that matter. But finally, God heard his prayers and he got a job as a mechanical engineer. Although he received a fair salary, he felt incomplete. He wanted to do something bigger that a nine-to-five job, and something better than what people usually do when they opt for the traditional path. He wanted to make his parents proud and fulfill all their dreams.

After a lot of research, he came to know that real estate was then a growing industry. If he stepped there during that time his career could soar to new heights. But the entrepreneurial road was a risky one. Millions of thoughts crept into his mind when he thought of quitting his well-paying job and opting for entrepreneurship. But then he listened to his gut, which was begging him to pursue his passion for entrepreneurship.

So, after facing all his fears and self-doubt, he finally started a small office in Noida. He met with many hardships but embraced them wholeheartedly. He made a lot of mistakes in the initial stages only to learn and grow from them. In the meantime, he got married in the traditional arranged marriage setup. His wife advised him and gave him all the support she could. No matter what challenges he faced, he always had an optimistic mindset that made him one of the biggest real estate tycoons in India.

According to him, standing today, the market for real estate is kind of down. This is because substandard elements are being filtered out from the market and only the real elements are being sought by people. Nowadays, real estate is no more a distant dream for most middle-class citizens. A normal middle-class man or a woman can also afford to purchase their own home.

He feels that as people strain every nerve to save a penny in order to buy their house, relationships with those people are extremely important and must be treasured under all circumstances.

 His advice for any customer is that they should do in-depth research about the background, know what permissions are required, and make sure to fulfill all the necessary compliances and then invest in that particular property. After all, it’s the question of their life savings and dreams to get their own home. He realized that people faced a lot of difficulties and had abundant questions whenever they are about to buy any property. To make things easier for them, he started his own consultancy service and guided all those people in the appropriate way.

Although he is a business tycoon, he has never forgotten his roots. He is eternally grateful to his wife and parents for supporting him in every phase of life. He loves meeting new people, exchanging ideas, and making friends all over the globe. He enjoys traveling with his friends and having a great time with them. Today, if so many people look up to him, it’s only because of his humility and proficiency in whatever he does.

He encourages a lot of youngsters to make a mark in the real estate industry. He strongly advises anyone to have a positive attitude towards life and believes that everything else will fall in place. With an indomitable spirit and an optimistic mindset, anyone can achieve success in this industry.

By: Somdatta Ghosh

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