The best way to grade an essay

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Grading is difficult task for any teacher. Essays are interesting to read but while grading it’s difficult to say which essay is the best. We feel all essays are good. It’s good to do a plagiarism check for all essays, if plagiarism is above the limit reject the essays. Check number of words in essay by pasting it in word or in plagiarism report and if number of words are out of the range, reject those essays. While reading essay check the spelling, if there are more than 5 ( or a certain number) spelling mistakes, reject those essays as it shows writer is irresponsible or lazy person.

Check grammatical mistakes

Check grammatical mistakes using grammar checker. If essay has grammatical mistakes, it shows writer doesn’t know English and he/she wrote at last minute. If writer had written different type of essay than one that is asked, reject the essay. Check whether rules of competition are followed, if they are not, reject the essays. If essay had gone out of the topic, reject those essays also. Check whether essay has introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion, if these do not exist reject the essay. 

Font type and size

Even if font type and size is not given, check whether the font type and size that writer used is easy to read, if it is not, reject the essay. Check if there is any repeated information in essay, if it is there, it is an example of bad essay.  Give more marks to one who has not written many facts, arguments, etc.

Essay should benefit the reader by mentioning something new, it should not be written just for namesake, these essays could be given good marks. Essay could have subtopics, but if information about subtopics is more than the topic of essay, it is a bad essay. Check the connection between paragraphs they should not look like paragraphs of 2 different essays, if they look we can reduce marks.

Essay must be simple

Look at the age of writer if possible, and check how is their essay, it is very simple or have difficult words. Essay should not be too simple with lot of words, it should contain keywords like spendthrift instead of spending too much money irresponsibly.  Essay is good if it does not have words like can’t, won’t, don’t, etc.

Using long sentences in essay is not an example of good essay. A good essay contains no quotes or less quotes. It’s good to write essay in third person by using he, she, it, they, etc. If essay has references at the end, check whether references are good choices unlike wiki. A good essay uses proper references and it mostly has active voice which is direct and easy to understand. Give less grades to those essays which have incomplete sentences.

Way of Essay

If essay is handwritten and writing is difficult to read, it means writer had written it in last minute due to laziness and procrastinatation. It also shows he/she didn’t improve their skills. So, give less marks for this essay. While correct essay, it is good to make note of points which we have learned after reading it, give more marks to those essays in which we have learned more. Give more marks to those whose have written essay which is easy to understand and who have included examples. Give good marks to those who have written unique and unknown facts, it shows that they have done good research on the topic

Check details

Check whether the facts which are mentioned in essay are correct or not, if they are incorrect, reject the essay. Give less marks to essays which have unnecessary commas, missing capitalisation, unnecessary capitalisation and  other unnecessary punctuation. Check whether essay has good and attractive introduction, if it has give good marks.

Body of essay should be in the range of 60-80% and if it is less, then give less marks. If conclusion includes new points or ideas, give less marks to the essay. There are numerous synonyms, but while reading essay check whether the word that writer used sounds good or any other alternative can be used, if it is perfect give better marks. Give less marks to those who brag about their achievements in essay.

If someone writes jokes in essay, it is unprofessional, so give less marks to them.  Check if there is thesis statement in essay, if yes give good marks. If writer do not stick to thesis statement, reduce some marks. If essay looks like article or short story, cut few marks.

Rejecting few essay is a good way to decrease grading process. Still grading an essay is a confusing task  but if we follow steps which I had mentioned above, it would not be so hard.

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